Catwalk Model....Hayden George

Yes would just like to mention how fine hayden george was looking wednesday night in league.....there he is up on the approach...with his shirt inside out! :lol: , good work gus.....but it provided light entertainment....for the rest of the night.

Hehehe......please tell me he had those green pants on too...

No, that would be just too much!!! :lol:
No... much to the disappointment of the female Launceston bowling population, those much celebrated green pants have been scarcely seen around the bowl in recent times. :cry:

Maybe seeing Gus is now a married man with his own little tribe, he figures he should do all he can to keep other women from throwing themselves at him and thus leaves the pants at home?? :lol: :lol:
Hey kc I think that too.... since he will be having little gus boys & little gus girls. lol....

i wonder if he will pass them on to his kids too start a gus trade mark?

talk later
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