Cara Honeychurch Summer Camp


The Cara Honeychurch Summer Camp wound up yesterday, in Canberra and was hailed by all participants as an outstanding success. I would like to thank all those who attended the Camp and hope that the instruction and advice you received from this 'world's best' team of instructors will guide you (at least some of the way) towards bowling success in the future. Our special thanks to Cara for her enormous effort in developing and supervising the programme- to Carol, Maxine & Michelle for their hard work and expert assistance and to Brad, Lloyd, Vicki, Shon and the rest of the Canberra International Team for their dedication and passion to ensure that the participants had an enjoyable and educational time at the Camp.
Congratulations Roy on a successful Camp

Are you planning to run this camp in future years ?
As an attendee of the Cara Honeychurch Summer Camp, i would once again like to thank everyone involved through the whole week that helped in having the camp run as successfully as it did! It was a great experience for all the juniors that attended to mix with these 4 proffessional bowlers who dedicated there own time to share their knowledge and experience with 33 young bowlers who are mostly just beginning a career in our great sport!
All i can say is, for people who werent sure whether to attend the camp this year or not, if the opportunity arrises again.......put your name down straight away!!!!! It was a great week and i am thankful for all the coaches, helpers, organisers and other juniors for making my week an awesome experience and a great time!!! Thanks once again!!! Have a great christmas everyone and an awesome new year.
i agree the camp was really good and i advise ne one who didnt do this one to do it if it comes on again.
i really want to thank every one who helped it was a blast and i am glad i went
Yeh add me to the list too, a great week, very professional!!!
They focused on what the bowlers wanted to learn as well as the necessary fundamentals of bowling!

I give it 2 thumbs up :D
as some one who attended the camp and who had a very large amount of boqling style problems, i can tell you all that this is the best way to get your problems fixed. i have neve rhad a better time in my life, i have made some of the strongest friendships out fo the camp and alot of these people i will never forget. i would like to extend my most sincerest heartfelt thankyou to cara honeychurch for all her help and effort during the week, everything was so very clear and concise and you never once slacked off in your roll off coaching the people who attended, with you constantly patrolling the lanes helping as many people as you could. personally to carol gianotti, it was an absolute honour to have had u as my coach for the week, i have never learnt so much in my life in such a small amount of time, thank you for all your hard work and patience, to maxine nable im sure alot of the act kids will back me on this when i say thank you as well for all your hard work and effort and to michelle feldman as well a special thank you goes to you for taking the time to help us all out, thank you to all the coaches for the wealth of knowledge that you passed onto us all, i am sure no one will forget anything you taught us, and as you can see by the results of the brunswick cup, every one who attended performed outstandingly well. a huge thank you goes to brad and lloyd of canberra bowl, i couldnt have done the things i did at the camp and the tournement without all of your help, even when you were flat out off your feet you still had the time to help me in the proper avenues when i injured myself. to all the volunteers i cant thank you enough for all your help without you guys this camp wouldnt have been no where near as successful as it was. and also a massive thank you to the cafe staff for your constant great service and also to all the people from thr A I S thank you for all your help and training.

to any one that has the chance to attend this camp in the future i cant stress to you enough, ATTEND THE CAMP. it WILL be the best choice of your life. i cant describe enough the feeling i still have from the camp, it has given me a renewed confidence not only in myself as a person but back into my bowling as well, and it has also given me new scope for the future of bowling and what lies ahead.

once again i cant praise enough canberra international bowl for how you run such a fantasticly tight ship, i have neve rin my life seen such a more professionally run business in my life, and i highly recommend to any one to go and bowl there, i garuntee you will be more than pleased with the service and such friendly staff there.

Canberra bowl and Cara Honeychurch and all the coaches and those involved THANKYOU for THE BEST experience of my life this is something i will never forget.

jason griggs
Hey Guys

I would have to agree with everyone the camp was the best and i hope that everyone who didnt attend it will consider attending it if it happens again.

I also like the fact that everyone got along well and i hope that the friendships i made will last for ever.

Thank you to all the adults that took the time to come and help through the week and a big thank u to Cara, Carol, Maxine and Mitchelle it was a blast to get to meet u.

It was HEAPS fun!!

This was the best experience of my life. the camp was superbly run, a huge credit to canberra international bowl. the excellent coaches provided endless knowledge to us to improve both our technique and our mental game. i have to agree with "the big hit"on this one, i have mafe some of the strongest friendships on this camp. if anyone considers doing this camp in the future the only thing i can say is SIGN UP FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Hey guys, how is everyone that attended the heaps good....true...mad!

Nah on a serious note, this camp was the best experience i have ever had in bowling, i will never forget the time and effort put in by all the adults and coaches. Thank-you so much, you all gave me the confidence to bowl the brunswick junior tourny and i bowled with a stuffed hand and still came fourth.... Anyone who didnt go this year and wants to go, if the canberra bowl hold another camp i urge you to not miss the opportunity twice.

Love ya's all
P.s. GO TEAM RUM! :twisted:
The Cara Honeychurch Camp was the best camp ive ever been to in the 10 years ive been bowling. A HUMUNGUS thankyou to Cara, Carol, Maxine and Michelle for their time and effort to help us with our game and sharing their professional experiences with us. They were an inspiration always have and always will be. More HUMUMGUS thankyous to Canberra International Bowl especially Lloyd and Brad......and to all the parents who helped as well.
I have made special friendships during this camp and am hoping they will last forever and a day.
If you ever see an oppurtunity to attend this camp, you gotta take it...because if you dont, you WILL regret it.
Love yas all,
Chelsea. (Captain of girls team rum....hehehe)

GO TEAM RUM!!!!!!!
Hmm, after reading post by attendees of Cara's camp, and my shocking performance in league last night, it seems that i must mark down this event on my to do list for 2004... If it goes ahead i will DEFINATELY be there.

And by the sound of things, it sounds like it was a HUGE success.


What up seeing as though everyone has posted on here about the camp i would just like to add my two cents......

The camp that Bowl Australia held at tuggeranong (i think thats how its spelt) was one of the best coching clinics i have ever been to.... Each section of the game is broken down and worked through and explained thouroughly.... Everything is covered from (to qoute cara) "bowling specific" parts of the game such as spare shooting, line finding and "Non-bowling specific" like physical fitness and nutrition.....

As well as all this all four ladies ( which deserve the biggest thankyou for not only putting up with us kids but for sharing their knowledge ) shared their experiences and techniques for becoming an elite Tenpin Bowler and how to deal with the pressure.

If anybody and i mean out there thinks that they have only one or two minor problems than they should definetly still consider going to the camp.

Last bonus of the camp is that Cara was able to get a hold of the new technology most people have heard about called DARTFISH.. this technology helps coaches see in detail the trouble points in a bowlers approach to a shot from different angles and allows the coach to create an analysis CD which everyone in the camp gets to make sure we remember what we are supposed to be doing..... :)





Hey Big Tobes, nice to hear your alive and Vice Captain (Gurls Team) of TEAM RUM, i would just like to say......FINGERS DO NOT MOVE!!!........ nah jokez! WHY IS RUM GONE??? seeya all soon! :lol:
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