I share westys disappointment in the lack of entries into the Classic. I often hear bowlers around the 180-190 average mark that there is not enough tournys to enter in WA. But when one comes along like this, the local entries just aren't there!!
I'm only a 175 ave bowler at best and i'm entering. Not to win, but to get a chance to bowl with some of the best bowlers in the country and maybe get on a bit of a roll and do well.
I suspect that the bowlers who are around the 180+ mark won't enter because they think that the likes of Belmonte, Walsh, Trotter and Frilingos just to name a few are coming over so "what chance do i have?". Wrong attitude to have folks!!
You enter to have fun, a bit of competition and to push yourself (you may actually surprise yourself!! I bowled the 3rd highest block of the tournament last year with a 527!!).
I'm pretty bummed that Belmo has pulled out, coz like a lot of ppl, i really enjoy watching this guy bowl! I'm sure he has his reasons, but i really hope that its not because entries are down and its not worth his while coming over. (If you, by chance, read this post Belmo, please don't misunderstand me, i'm not having a go at you. I'm mearly expressing my disappointment that i won't get to see you bowl.)
But credit where credit is due. Its great to see all the junior and youth entries in this tournament, you guys/girls will get some valuable experience.
Just some of my thoughts.