Heather Spencer
Hi, as you already know I am Jo and Nic Spencer's Mum. I work at a home for people with an intellectual disability and three of our clients bowl quite regularly, one of whom has high game of 229 without bumpers.
I am trying to promote our sport amongst our clients at Minda Home in Adelaide and would really appreciate it if anyone can supply me with a shirt or three that I can pass onto our Clients.
Minda Home is a home which houses around 800 people with an intellectual disability, some of whome are highly dependent and some of whom are on the "border line". In the office I work in, I get many of our clients visiting looking for recognition in their various achievements, and of course, when they are involved in ten-pin bowling I am particularly interested in what they scored, how many strikes etc. The three clients I know who play ten-pin regularly have averages at around 110 and I think that is tremendous. They are always eager to come into my office to let me know what they have scored, but the bottom line is they have really got something out of their bowling as have the staff who take them on a regular basis.
I would really like to encourage these people by giving them a shirt or something significant to recognise their achievements. Maybe even a bowling magazine with autographs of the more well known bowlers, anything that can encourage these people to achieve to the best of their ability. One of our clients did achieve a good result in a tournament for the disabled about 2 years ago, in USA, and I think we should all be grateful that we are able to make our own informed choices as these people can't do that. Any help???? If so, my icq number is 49316736, get in touch with me via that or on here on the total bowling site. Thanks.
Heather S
I am trying to promote our sport amongst our clients at Minda Home in Adelaide and would really appreciate it if anyone can supply me with a shirt or three that I can pass onto our Clients.
Minda Home is a home which houses around 800 people with an intellectual disability, some of whome are highly dependent and some of whom are on the "border line". In the office I work in, I get many of our clients visiting looking for recognition in their various achievements, and of course, when they are involved in ten-pin bowling I am particularly interested in what they scored, how many strikes etc. The three clients I know who play ten-pin regularly have averages at around 110 and I think that is tremendous. They are always eager to come into my office to let me know what they have scored, but the bottom line is they have really got something out of their bowling as have the staff who take them on a regular basis.
I would really like to encourage these people by giving them a shirt or something significant to recognise their achievements. Maybe even a bowling magazine with autographs of the more well known bowlers, anything that can encourage these people to achieve to the best of their ability. One of our clients did achieve a good result in a tournament for the disabled about 2 years ago, in USA, and I think we should all be grateful that we are able to make our own informed choices as these people can't do that. Any help???? If so, my icq number is 49316736, get in touch with me via that or on here on the total bowling site. Thanks.
Heather S