Burdekin scores & stuff


Rodentus scientificus
Scores for Burdekin Open (only have the top 12, sorry)
These are matchplay pinfalls only. Pinfall was dropped after the final 6 qualifying games, with Brando about +3-400, Sam N +130-odd, and no-one else over. Cut was about -260 from memory.

2______The Sock________2324___7____2464
3______Sam N. _________2319___6.5__2449
4______Hamo __________2249___7____2389
6______Tubby __________2179___8____2319
7______Trent Bosel______2164___7____2304
8______Angelo N. _______2207___3.5___2277
9______Rickey Brunell____2171___4____2251
10_____Chris Quaill______2114___5____2214
11_____Graham Allen ____2007___4____2087
12_____Frank N.________1913___2____1953

Top lady was Leigh Harris, who was the only one to make the first cut. (sorry Leigh, I don't know exactly where you finished). Kate Murry just missed at 25th.

What was it like?
Skins: The shot for the skins I thought was awful, which I guess means I couldn't hit it. :) Dry, with flying backends. There were some big scores shot, but you basically had to throw really hard or have no hand at all. The most frustrating part was the lane draw - PLEASE, next year forget the computer and just have the standard move a pair left or right each game. I look at the skins as a warmup for the real event, and I want to get a look at more than two or three pairs.

Tournament: The tournament itself seemed to be more and longer oil. As always happens at Ayr, the shot changed fairly quickly (not necessarily a bad thing). Good shots got paid, bad shots got punished, and there was a pretty fair spread of styles in both cuts. All in all, I enjoyed the shot - there was enough oil to roll the ball inside, bounce on the outside, but not a whole lot of area anywhere. The emphasis was on good shotmaking and speed control. Approaches were a little sticky, which is unusual for the Burdekin.

Lanes ran well, squads were pretty much on time, and the organisation was excellent. Well done to Helen and her crew - you did a great job.

Comments: Personally, I don't like the idea of requalifying, but that is only my opinion. However, I would like to see it stated explicitly on next years entry form that it is to be allowed (or not). Some bowlers in the last squad especially did not know they could have a second go until it was too late. If it was clear on the entry form, some may have bowled earlier to give themselves a second chance if it all went pear-shaped.

The qualifying lane draw was a bit iffy, with only two bowlers on some pairs and 3 or 4 on others. I appreciate that this was due to the draw being pre-set in the computer, and stuffed up by people not showing, but it does affect people who have not learned to pace their pair to avoid a long break, (especially with 3-game blocks). I don't know how you would fix a draw quickly with so many no-shows, but maybe someone else on the forum can suggest something. Also, look at having 3 blocks of 2 rather than 2 of 3 games on Sunday morning, to lessen the impact of getting a dodgy pair.

The prizefund - cutting the top prize back to $2000 and paying more out from 13th-24th (or even lower) would, IMHO, make the event more attractive to more bowlers. Alternatively, if the objective is to draw the top bowlers from down South, spread the money more evenly through the top 5 or 6 so that anyone finishing top 6 makes money after plane fares and everything else. Personally, I think paying more at the bottom will encourage more of the 'fringe' bowlers to have a go - if they can get money back plus from the first cut, that is a lot more attractive than having people thinking that they can make the (first) cut and still lose money.

Notwithstanding the above, it was a great tourney. Fair shot, well run, and the best man won. Well done, and I'm looking forward to going one better next year.

Rob "The Sock" Buckley.
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