Golden Greek
New Member
For all those bowlers from around Sydney heading to Canberra for this years Brunswick Australian Cup you may want to take the opportunity of getting your entry paid for in full at the spot roll off being held at AMF Parramatta.
Management of AMF Parramatta and NSW Regional will be offering 1 fully paid spot into this years event for every 10 entries received on the day of the spot roll off.
Date: Sunday, 20th November, 2005
Check In: 9:30am
Bowl: 9:45am
Format: 8 games scratch pinfall (changing lanes after each 2 game block)
Cost: $60.00
This is open to anybody that would like to participate on the day and not limited to only AMF bowlers.
There is a spot reserved already in B Squad for the winner. Other spots will be made available in A or C Squad if we get enough entries.
To save any confusion please note the following:
* as an example should we get 25 bowlers then we will be offering 2 Fully Paid spots and 1 Half paid entry into the tournament.
* the lane conditions will not necessarily be the same as you will get in Canberra.
For those bowlers that would like to bowl please contact myself at AMF Parramatta on 02-9633-5311 or email me at:
Greg Kotteakos
Management of AMF Parramatta and NSW Regional will be offering 1 fully paid spot into this years event for every 10 entries received on the day of the spot roll off.
Date: Sunday, 20th November, 2005
Check In: 9:30am
Bowl: 9:45am
Format: 8 games scratch pinfall (changing lanes after each 2 game block)
Cost: $60.00
This is open to anybody that would like to participate on the day and not limited to only AMF bowlers.
There is a spot reserved already in B Squad for the winner. Other spots will be made available in A or C Squad if we get enough entries.
To save any confusion please note the following:
* as an example should we get 25 bowlers then we will be offering 2 Fully Paid spots and 1 Half paid entry into the tournament.
* the lane conditions will not necessarily be the same as you will get in Canberra.
For those bowlers that would like to bowl please contact myself at AMF Parramatta on 02-9633-5311 or email me at:
Greg Kotteakos