Brisbane Cup


Hurry up guys the squads are filling up fast, be sure to get ure name down to secure a spot.
What tournament are you talking about ??

You obviously think people are stupid and won't ring up and find out themselves.

For those wanting the truth .. there is a TOTAL OF 13 ENTRIES in this event as of today.
If what Graham says is true, ( and I have every reason to believe him ) then Mr Hampson is a disgrace to bowling. Lying about entry numbers is the lowest form of self promotion. You should be drawn and quartered my dear sir. I hope no one has actually been duped into making interstate travel arrangements solely because of this enormous lie....Why not do bowling a great favour and get lost!
well who ever wants to bag me, thats fine i was only going on what i have been told. however i wll be there on the day and Graham it will be fun to talk to u and who ever else has a problem. I did not say i was certain they had that many bowlers and im sure that if u rang them u would find out.

definition of the word "entries" ????
paid deposits with name and squad preference.

at the moment they have 16 paid/unpaid "entries"
with a possible format change to 14 games, to be bowled on the sunday only, and the entry fee still at $175, but the centre will be sticking in a few dollars to help the prize fund.

the other 24 entries must have either suddenly dropped dead, had family illnesses, injured themselves, had work committments, committed suicide, taken drugs and are in fear of being tested, hospitalised from eating a dodgy salad (probaly from a bowling cafe), or are just bowled out from the state championships????????

well said gra and winchester, these guys have now ****** one goat and they will be a goat ****** for a long, long time.
Why say "Squads Are Filling Fast" then "about 40" if you have no idea ?

I don't have a problem with you trying to promote the tournament but why say what isnt true ? You knew full well how many bowlers they had AND you were told that it wouldn't be a good idea to say that but you did it anyway. Talk all you want but it won't cover up the fact that you lied out your ass and got caught out.

Anyways - Yes Trev is correct. The format has been changed again :

Sunday 1st September 9am Check In - 930am Bowl
14 games scratch - ONE SQUAD ONLY
$175 entry fee

1st $750
2nd $550
3rd $400
4th $350
5th $325
6th $300
7th $275
8th $250
9th $225
10th $175

$100 for high 2 game block

Call Mt Gravatt on 07 3349 9766 to enter.
hey guess what Graham i dont really give a **** what u think, as i said before see u on sunday
Yes BFCC the prizefund is based on 30 bowlers and will payout 1:3 accordingly if they get more than 30. A big thanks to Victor who had the balls to change the event at late notice in response to what what bowlers want. Let's hope with the new and improved format and the better dollars we see some more people nominate.

As about 7.00pm I knew of at least 3 bowlers who weren't going to bowl now change their minds and have a crack. I'm pretty confident they will get 30, see everyone Sunday morning.

For the record, the Broncos are playing the Raiders at ANZ so a few of us are walking up to the game after bowling. If you interested message me on this site.

As for Steve Hampson, lying about tournament entries is not the right thing to do. It serves no purpose and can only damage tournaments in the long run. The best thing you can do to promote a tournament is tell more people, not lie.

See eveyone there on Sunday.

Just spoken to the staff then to book my spot and as at 10.00pm Monday 26th they have 24 spots booked. Things are looking a bit better so get behind it and lets not see another one bite the dust.
cant say that i have heard but im sure Graham will be able to tell u. i hope that they will get the required numbers which i think is 30.
I am surprised at the comments on this topic. I'm even more surprised by some of the people making some of the comments, as some of you have actually said someting sensible from time to time.

No wonder this sport goes nowhere, with so many being so self interested.

How about looking at this from the other side of the fence and imagine for a moment that you are trying to run a Tournament?

You work out how many entries you need, at what entry fee, to offer prize money which will be attractive enough to hopefully get enough entries to pay the prize money. You'll notice that that's a closed circuit.

If everyone, before they entered, wanted to know if you had enough entries to guarantee at least most of the prize money before they entered, would you believe you'd never get the first entry, and, of course you'd never get the second one either.

I was putting on a Tournament at Ballina, I think in 1996, and made it my policy not to give out information on entries when people rang to enquire. I think I had set the number of entries at 40 to guarantee all prize money (which was top money for the price of entry).

Someone, I have forgotten who, but from Brisbane or the Gold Coast, got my partner on the 'phone and insisted on knowing and was told we had, I seem to remember, 22 entries.

He immediately pulled out, so then we had 21. Then 2 or 3 of his mates pulled out when he told them, so then we had 18 or 19.
Then some others heard about it and we dropped to 13. To top it all off, I met other bowlers later at other tournaments who told me that they were going to enter, but when they heard how few entries we had, they decided not to.

Despite all this, I think we ended up with 32 entries with more from Sydney and Newcastle than from Brisbane or the Gold Coast, and to keep faith with those who had kept faith with me, I paid the full listed prize money.

I did not run any more tournaments.

With the entries we got, plus the entries we had lost through selfishness and stupidity we almost certainly would have had over 50 entries, with a consequent increase in prize money.

I think you should all think again, and stop congratulating each other on how righteous you are, and ask yourselves why anyone running a tournament has any incentive to tell the truth about entry numbers and also ask yourselves why the 'hell' you want to know anyhow?

Also, try to imagine how well you could organise the actual running of any event (which is often the subject of criticism) when it's almost always a 'mystery' or a 'secret' on how many participants you actually have until the event is about to start.

some very justified comments.......
i think the tho jim you have missed the point on some of the posts........
if i worked in a bowl and didnt know the answer to any particular question, i wouldnt give an answer at all, but would make an effort to call the person back and let him/her when i knew the truth.
we have bagged mr hampson for his blatent lies,
if i had nothing else planned for this weekend i would have pulled on my shoes and had a go........but would definately have pulled out after mr hampsons comments.
i have been a long supporter of this tourny in the past and have good success, but do we supprt bowling because its there and we luv it so much, or do we support it for what we believe is right for the game??
so after all the above comments.........

who won?
number of entries?
prize payouts?
did mr hamson have a chat with gra?
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