Brian Thomas 298!!!!


lil kev

Brain Thomas, El Capitano of NQ.

This guy is a TANK!!!!!!!!!!Brian Thomas last nite shot a 298 game finishing up with a 677 series (164,298,215). This is Brians 2nd time he has go the front 11. Congratulations Brian, 3rd time lucky m8!

Oh yeah, the last 2 shots were brooklyn pockets, last shot leaving the 5,9.
Keep it up Brian, ur gonna b untouchable at nats shootin like this!!!

Kevin Swinburn.
Hey Brian!

Good game....164, lol, go champ! Nah seriously, keep it up! Well done once again! See you at our last camp next weekend!

Way to go Brian... Nice last 2 strikes ill have to say... Lol! Great game... Like Kev said has 2 be 3rd time lucky...!
And thats right... It was bowled in CAIRNS!
Good Stuff Brian, bowling like that I can't wait to see it in Canberra :D
300 is close... keep it up!
Hey Brian well done mate good to see everything i taught you didnt go in one ear out the other. Kee up the fine bowling mate see you next weekend.
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