Brads 18!!!!


aka "Dragohan"
Just a holla out to brad tanner who just turned 18. Happy birthday brad. hope u had a gud one!! enjoy the casino. only a month 2 go den i'll be able 2 go wit ya!!!!

For now cheers,
Hey Bobba...

I think Braddles 18th is Saturday?? I think...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADLEY whatever day it is...

Luv ya lots
:bday: Happy Birthday Brad Sweetheart :bday:

Hope you have a fantastic day and night , party on :drinking: :wink:

Catch you soon

Love To Ya

Happy 18th Birthday bud :D hope ya enjoy the day and have fun at the casino, not to much thou i gotta bowl wit ya in the morning!!! 8) haha!!!! Yeah i'll join ya in 2 years hey!!!! Have a great day and ill catch ya 2mora!!!

Dion :D
hey sweetie, happy 18th! :lol: dont worry, ill be 18 wit ya real soon...a months time...we'll have to catch up and go out one day :wink: ..well hunnie take care and ill see ya soon.

Karen :wink:
Dion A said:
Yeah i'll join ya in 2 years hey!!!!

Haha I thought it was longer than that ...

Hope you had an awesome day Brad .. Enjoy being 18 and I'll see you in Nationals ..
Love ya MWah byebye
:D hey cutie, happy Birthday - now your a real boy, sorry man? hope you had a goodie :lol:

Kisses, Ren
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