Bowling On TV Tonight !!!


Staff member
I've been advised that it is official - bowling will appear in Big Brother on Channel 10 tonight from 7:30pm Brisbane time.
yeah i agree!! it looks awesome!!!... i wish bowling was as easy as they get the "skittles" as Frysy said are attached to strings!! like cmon give them a challenge!:p
They version they're playing it isn't as easy as our way.

If anyone has been to Crown Casino in Melbourne, and been to the bowling setup they've got there, you'll know what i mean.
But you have to agree that the prize for one strike was excellent - would that all strikes won prizes like that!
The duckpin bowling balls, lanes, pins, etc. used to bowling to Strikezone, but apprently Dreamworld bought the lanes off Strikezone. I hope the duckpin lanes come back because they were heaps fun :(


Rowey :p
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