Bowling on Foxtel?



I was curious for those of you who have had foxtel for a long time - have they ever had ten pin bowling on the sports channels?
They usually have the World Tenpin Masters at some point during the year and most years the Weber Cup as well.
There is also the odd special event but nothing with any regularity.
usually on foxtel you get the world tenpin masters at some point in the year and sometimes the amf world cup and weber cup you will more likely see the world tenpin masters than anything to do with bowling on foxtel hope that helps

steve armstrong
It does help thank you,

I got the new foxtel guide today and checked the sport section, but there are no ten pin bowling cups on in jan...
it not really advertised, last time the world masters was on, it was on tv around 3pm but late in the yr
2006 World Masters on Fox Sports 1 on 25 Dec at 1:30 PM and 26 Dec at 11:00 AM on Fox Sports 2
Yes, l watched the World Tenpin Masters yesterday - some very good bowling.
yes this is very annoying to me
last week i got sick of just cricket and aussie rules so i took sports off and got movies instead thinking i will put sports back on when nrl starts back up

yes good choice for me NOT as soon as i did it bowling comes on pool and snooker comes on and old nswrl grand finals and stuff

i am spewing

daniel d
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