Bowling Conundrum


New Member
If a bowler had all spares in a game and finished the 10th frame with a spare and a strike, is it an all spare game? This game was bowled in Wellington League last night by Mike Pope. Technically probably yes, but in reality no? :?
Well I would say it's an all spared game...i mean the strike didn't really count for anything carrying i would say a spare game personally.
Very interesting question .. haha !!

All Spare Game !!!
That happened to me, and that game with awarded with an all spare game patch, so yes.
An all spare game is when a bowler has all ten frames filled with spare, as no more spares can be bowled in that game, so therefore, that strike does not matter.
I hope this helps.
Yes, it's an all spare game Simon :D
I got a patch for one about 10-12 years ago in Sponsors League, where I spared frames 1 through 11 and missed the headpin on the fill ball (on purpose) and got a domino strike :?
I thought "ahh buggered that up" but was later told it did in fact count.
On my favourite pair at Moonah too Lanes 1-2 :x
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