Bob Elliot Memorial - Barossa


Congratulations to the Shield Boys for taking out a win this weekend in the Bob Elliot Memorial Teams event at Barossa.

Great bowling from you all (especially first game which cost us Rachuig Ladies dearly!!) - watching you throughout the day was really great to see a lot of talent coming through the ranks.

Well bowled, keep it up..... :wink:

Jo Babic
hey thanks jo

U girls didnt bowl bad urself, gave us a scare in the last game ha ha.

Dion still happy he beat Alley, wants another match.

Thanks to all who bowled, it was a really close tournie, with only 2 points separating 3rd from 1st

C ya later, and good luck Jo in Malaysia, u will do us proud

Yes Brad i am still happy about my win but are you still happy about beating Jo, haha oh thats right you were still warming up weren't you Jo i remember now lol.

Nah it was a great weekend and a great tourny congrats to the Rachuig ladies for 2nd and the Country Cup team on their 3rd place gettings. And of course to me fellow team mates on our fantastic win (Alex, Shane and Brad). Great to see so many teams out there.

Alley you name the place and bowl i'll be there mate haha! Actually probably not a good idea you'll probably whip the pants off me but Jo i hear Brad's up for a re-match he wants to beat ya by more lol.


P.S Good luck in Malaysia Jo just warm up a bit quicker this time lol.
Well dion, what can i say, u bowled well with the handicap u had!!!

Alley, he has been gloating all day and night and on the way home about it, he absolutely loved it but didnt think it was fair that it was in the first game, he wasnt 'warmed up' himself apparently

Hey Jo, those daggers really hurt me, i still have the scars HA HA

C yas all later

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