Blacktown Invitational "Update"

Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels
As of Monday Night 21/4/03 we have 18 entries for the invitational, 8pm Tuesday 22nd will be the cut-off for entries, if we don't have 30 by then the tournament will be cancelled and all deposits refunded.

So I put it back to the bowlers if you guys wish to have a circuit to compete in I suggest you support it.

Besides I can't pay out last years prizes, if no-one turns up.

Glenn Rowland
NSW Tournament Director
i am going
come on people they are doing this for us!! hello!!! they dont just do it cos they want to they do it for us bowlers and if no one bowls in any of these things then we wont have it
the people who actually want to bowl in this will miss out... these tournaments will give you expierience if you want to keep going in bowling...
this is very sad....

YEah, erally. Its tough not having enough for tourneys, and its a shame for the people that really want to bowl and have alread signed up. Good luck and good bowling! :?:
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