
got this ball last week got it drilled last night mid way through my league and straight up got two strikes in the tenth frame missed the last one but the hitting power that it had was awsome then after league had a few practise games first game shot my first ever 6 in a row after a few spares and strikes finished with my highest game to date 233 talk about one very impressive ball and harold fryer did a great job on the drilling
looking forward to trying it out next monday night in my big league hopefully does well
may as well do a little review seems i got time, got this ball drilled up around late last year i think(it was a long time ago anyway), got this ball because it was cheap(i got it 2nd hand) and i heard alot of good things about this ball. this ball is massive on medium conoditions, its drilled to flip with a 3 inch pin, this ball goes sooo long then just snaps into the pocket and smashs the pins(but not as hard as a hammer!:D), This ball may be snappy but its easy to control, thats what i like about this ball so much, i almost bought another 1 haha but no i didnt, i stuck with hammer!. i give this ball 9/10


well when i have thrown mine down the lane a couple more times then i will review this ball properly and i was only an ebonite bowler untill i struck gold with the visionary's frankie may but now iam back at ebonite espcially after buying the BTP and the sister to that is good but not near as good a reaction
well last night in my league i shot 223 and an lane record with the big time pearl thats my highest league score with that ball what a awsome ball heaps of power

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