Best Junior in WA

hey well...who do u reckon adrian is the best junoir female n male bowler??
no dont push it... haha, he knows how good he is. There are only 2 people that could match him, his brother and possibly me, we had fun during 2003 trials for shield, first day was a blast. But ben is the best, easy.
Well im not from WA but from what i have seen at nats, i think that adrian and mitch edom have a nice shot on them. I havent seen ben bowl for ages so im not sure on him, his lil bro isnt to bad.

For the girls probly alison cause she put up a good fight with me in shield.

What about the W.A. girl who made the Australian team and bowled at asien schools in Hong Kong this year.
By performance would she be the best female bowler in W.A.

sylvia?? yes shes a fantastic bowler, no probs there, problem is shes not a junior anymore. but I suppose if you want to count her in then yes, sylv is the best in WA
I thought syl was allegeable for pres shield this year but chose not to bowl, If this is right then she is still a junior.
If not then I stand corrected.

see yas

yeah, for 2004 shield she chose not to bowl, but this was her last year. Shes 18 now. So after this year is over, shes no longer a junior, as well as myself
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