Best finals match(moment)


Lozz ('',)

I was just curious as to hear other peoples thoughts on some great finals they have seen....
Mine would have to be last years nationals in melbourne at the masters between benji and mickey. Just the fact that mickey came back with a 279 and ben smashed him with a 300.
He kept up with him and kept going :)
The best one I can remember would be the NSW State open masters between Kara Trilucio and Sam Fisher. These girls were so into it and so hated each other...the evils exchanged were unbelievable. It was close all the way but Kara won on repicharge. It was awesome to watch.
The Asian Schools Championship in Melbourne a year or two ago, when Matty O'Brien won one of the finals by one pin, 205-204 (that came just from memory, might not be accurate). It may not have been the highest scoring match, but it was full of drama and suspense, which is all you need to make a memorable match, at any level.

Too bad I wasn't at the Melbourne masters which Lozz mentioned, that would've been just as exciting to watch!
Lozz, the masters final between Mickey and Ben went like this.
Mickey Z 177 212 196 (585) Lost to Ben C 189 180 220 (589)
Mickey was in winners bracket, and in repecharge...
Mickey Z 215 192 279 (686) Lost to Ben C 254 199 242 (695)

Mickey shot 279, but Ben never shot 300. It was just a matter of Ben shooting the 230 he needed to win, not a 300. It was a good match to watch, but 279-300 wouldve been better, but it just didnt happen...

Later Da Cowman!
Yeah Cowman that masters did leave a mark. One thats old (so few years back) is Junior Sydney Cup between Belmo and Slats. l'm not good enough to remember the scores but l remember that belmo had to strike in the 10th frame to win and he left the coldest 10 pin ever seen couldn't be a better ball. Slats won. sorry bout not knowing the scores
I can't remember the final but the semi-final between slats and matto was incredible. 290-266. Now thats a match...

Later Da Cowman!

yes that was a nerve racking match. it was against arron kong from malaysia and he needed the 12th strike to draw against matto but he left a solid 8 pin!! poor guy but he made up for it the year after and went on to win the masters at the 2003 asian schools


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