best bowlers in S.A??


hey ppls!!!
for ppl who know bout S.A bowlers....who do u think the best girl and boy is???

cyaz later!!!!!

I reckon the best girl would have to go to Leisa Lumsden! As for the boys, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea!! LOL

I am no South Aussie but I have bowled against Leisa and her team mates in President Shield and she is a real talented bowler with a big future ahead of her. Even though I can't remember how you bowl Leisa, I still think your a top bowler from your State. Take care and I hope to catch up with you one day!
not biased, just proud, paul gifford is the best of the boys at the moment.

girls i would have to say for consisetncy clair johnston.

both of these bowlers are sitting top in shield trials, paul averaging 207 clair averaging 201 and would be second in the boys division.
Hey Guys,

I would have to agree with most of the others on here that Leisa is one of the best female juniors in SA.

I would also agree that Gifford is one of the best boys in SA at the moment with some competition making their way up through the ranks!!

Well that's just my opinion,
* Toodles *
Hey pplz

i can only say that i agree with everone else when they say that Paul G is the best guy, Matty K is also up there

Girlz... no doubt clair and leisa, if only ties were good enough, it is hard to split those two and it would be great to see them go head to head for a couple of games!!

c ya later
just want to add also that lauren mooney is not far behind clair and leisa, she also has expoerience behind her.
go banana girl!!
Hi all

I'd say that the girls is a pretty close call atm with both Liesa and Clair having a huge future before them and another 5 or 6 bowlers coming in not too far behind them, but the two of them are definitely the driving force in junior female bowling in SA atm.

As for the guys, not even close, Paul Gifford blows the rest of the competition out of the water (including myself unfortunately) but keep an eye open for young Matt Kanafa who will be right up there in a couple of years.
Hey thanx Nic
I'm not quite at the standard of Leisa and Clair yet but I sure hope to be in the near future!!
Thanx Again
a SA Paul Gifford and Bradley Tanner is a good bowler too but he CHOKES realy bad!!!!
Matt k is up there to (from x road)

I recon that Paul Giford is the best boy if only he learnt to throw sme revs ( and mate you still have my red echo shirt )

And my little sis Leisa Lumsden is te best girl for sure
hey pplz i think that michael cole would have 2 b 1 of the best bolwerz and he is sexy also paul g is a sick bowler.

and for girlz i would have 2 say ????? theres lots but with leisa gettin allstars i think that sayz alot. keep it up guyz
what the?? i know who you are and i know that YOU think your the bomb if ya didnt know pplz what the is mike cole so n e way paul g sayin see ya all later

i think ur right about COLE RIX
very sexy but not sure about the good bowlre!!!!!!!!!!! LOL hahaha kidding my lil SA bud!
The Paul Gifford i know had plenty of revs, it was like watching a Timmy Mack when you put him on some oil(especially on lanes 11 and 12 in Mt Gambier with that Outrage)
alright guyz i got caught hehehe. anywayz i think im sexy and think im a good bolwer so i thought i would tell ya. thanx belmo i rekon yr hot 2 man hehe cya in syd. hey gifford ill give u a call wen im at frazis hahahaha later guyz
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