Ben Coupland 300


Ben tonight bowled 300 at Mt Gravat, in the pay day triples league. Congratulations mate and keep up the good form.
Congratulations...Is this your second? *thinks* I don't remember hehe soz..Oh wells Congratsies on the 300 :lol:

It's his second 300 Mandii...

This is how humble Ben is .. he rang me after he got home from league .. we talked for half an hour about something that had happened to me that day .. not until I looked at TotalBowling on my laptop, saw the topic called Ben Coupland 300 and asked him about it did he tell me that, oh yeah, he bowled one...

next time do it while i'm there you munter!


Congratulations Ben on another 300! Well done! You are having such a great run at the moment. Also, congratulations on winning one of the zone finals for a spot in the South Pacific Classic.

Well done!

Go Ben!

Congratulations on another deserved 300, keep up the great bowling and good luck at SPC.

See ya soon champ
Hey bub, oh my gosh!! you didnt tell rude!!! nah jokes..thats great that another one has come your way!!! CONGRATS hunnie *mwah*

Tiffany Jade (747)
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