Earlier this year AMF-NSW Region was forced to cancel the remainder of the Grand Prix series due to a lack of entries that were required to make the tournaments viable.
When withdrawn, a series of public outrage was expressed by bowlers far and wide accusing AMF of having no regards for the tournament bowler.
In May 2005, AMF-NSW Region announced the launch of the new 2005-2006 Tour Series. When first posted, comments from bowlers who viewed the post (815 views) were positive.
In late May, the first of the four tournaments (Bankstown Open) was announced and entry forms were distributed to all AMF Centres and available from the Total Bowling Forum.
Despite the early interest, only 20 entries have been received for the Bankstown Open.
It is for this reason that AMF-NSW Region is left with no alternative but to cancel the Bankstown Open and the remainder of the 4 tournaments that represented the 2005-2006 Series.
This decision, whilst regrettable, is necessary, and based purely on the lack of interest/entries from bowlers.
For the remainder of 2005 and the for-seeable future, no Tour Series will be organized through AMF-NSW Region. Individual centre based tournaments may be scheduled, but no set dates, venues or formats have been organised.
We would like to thank those few who did nominate for the first tournament, and you will all be contacted personally during the week. No transactions against Credit Cards have been processed and any cheques mailed to the tournament director will be returned.
Brad Menachemson
Regional Manager
Lloyd Klaman
Regional Manager
Earlier this year AMF-NSW Region was forced to cancel the remainder of the Grand Prix series due to a lack of entries that were required to make the tournaments viable.
When withdrawn, a series of public outrage was expressed by bowlers far and wide accusing AMF of having no regards for the tournament bowler.
In May 2005, AMF-NSW Region announced the launch of the new 2005-2006 Tour Series. When first posted, comments from bowlers who viewed the post (815 views) were positive.
In late May, the first of the four tournaments (Bankstown Open) was announced and entry forms were distributed to all AMF Centres and available from the Total Bowling Forum.
Despite the early interest, only 20 entries have been received for the Bankstown Open.
It is for this reason that AMF-NSW Region is left with no alternative but to cancel the Bankstown Open and the remainder of the 4 tournaments that represented the 2005-2006 Series.
This decision, whilst regrettable, is necessary, and based purely on the lack of interest/entries from bowlers.
For the remainder of 2005 and the for-seeable future, no Tour Series will be organized through AMF-NSW Region. Individual centre based tournaments may be scheduled, but no set dates, venues or formats have been organised.
We would like to thank those few who did nominate for the first tournament, and you will all be contacted personally during the week. No transactions against Credit Cards have been processed and any cheques mailed to the tournament director will be returned.
Brad Menachemson
Regional Manager
Lloyd Klaman
Regional Manager