Ball Drilling



Hi all.

I used to bowl many years ago but have been having a break the past few years.

I am looking to get back into it and wanted to know who are the best ball drillers around at the moment?

I was very keen on Rudy Turoszki (sp?) in the early to mid 90's, who was based out at Village Bowl.

So who is hot now and where are they?

Thanks heaps, Pete
Brenton Davy..... great guy..... great ball driller, he drilled the ball i bowled my 300 game!! He is based at village.
Yep I'll agree wit ya Ash if ya want a ball drilled I'd go see Brenton for sure also drilled the ball i bowled a 300 with!!! Rudy is now up in Queensland at Mt Gravatt so it might be a trip to go get a ball drilled by him!!! There is also Dave Billing at Elizabeth and Glenn Fuller at Cross Road and Norwood!!! Appart from them I don't know many others hey!!! Lee Hutchison has just got into it i think, to the best of my knowledge dare say he's at Salisbury but yeah!! Hope it helps!!

Further to that which Dion posted.

Colin Webber the manager of Noarlunga Superbowl is the principle ball driller at Noarlunga. Daniel Polesso also from Noarlunga (one of the forum administrators) drills your basic hard case ball but not the high tech ball that most higher average bowlers use. :)

Merv Brice also drills bowling balls. I know there are some people from Noarlunga that will go to him and sware by him but I'm not sure if he is still drilling balls. :?: As far as I know he operated from home somewhere around Woodville. Don't know for sure, never went to the guy and have never even met him. :)
As far as I know Merv is no longer drilling due to health issues... but I'm not certain, I've just heard that from some bowlers.

If you're down my way, as David said I can punch out anything from a plastic ball to a mid performance... and my boss will happy drill up anything you throw at him! :)

Im pretty sure Dave Billing has left Elizabeth now. Brenton from Village is great. Also if you can collar him, Alan Prezeby is still around Somewhere...
Hi all , David Billing is not alk elizabeth anymore, but will still drill balls for you , just contact him on his mobile.
Al Pryszybz started at elizabeth on the 17th jan , so if you want him, no doubt contact elizabeth. And while on alski congratulations to him and heather on the safe arrival of their duaghter on monday jan 10th at 11 40 am , both are doing well :D
You back in the mount adrian?? LOL I thought you were still in melbourne!
Couldn't shake the homesick bug unfortunately, mowing lawns half the week and stuffing around with bowling balls the other half of the time keeps me pretty well occupied though.
Thats ok adrian , nothing wrong with being homesick! just glad yourfinally back in good old sa with us! LOL
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