Bad behaviour



It is amazing the bad behaviour of some 200+ average bowlers. They will argue during and after league bowling, from week to week you can expect the same thing to happen. Some weeks more explosive than others. I have only seen this at Ipswich bowl this year.
Can anyone answer this question, what is the point behind this bad behaviour ? :roll:
To get to a certain level, you've got to be bowling on a certain level of lane.

When that standard drops, the angst rises up, and some just burst out more so then others.

Other then lanes, it's just bad sportsmanship :)
Shearbe, I disagree that to bowl to a certain level, you also have to have a certain level of lane to go with it. That said, I don't think that bad behaviour should be tolerated and I admit that on occasion I have been guilty of it and I'm not a 200 ave bowler.

Why do we do what we do? I know for me, it's a point of getting frustrated with myself at the way I am bowling. Centre conditions should never be an issue, it's part of the game. How many golf courses do you see that are the same?? None.

A level of discipline needs to be excercised by all bowlers otherwise it can affect numbers in our league which can in turn affect those wanting to take up the sport. Maybe I'm going too far with this but it is something that is creeping into all sports and it does need to be looked into.

As all leagues are covered by TBA rules, do we start penalising players or issuing yellow cards etc? Maybe that is going to far but how do you stop it?

To be completely honest, I think it was unfair that you pointed the finger at Ipswich "Purple", because it happens everywhere..... I'm not saying it's right but I am however saying that unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about it.

Cricketers complain about their pitch, golfers complain about the greens etc etc etc....... its a part of every sport. I've learnt to filter out all the stupid comments that some league bowlers come up with, as well as absorb some good ones and just go from there.

Just my two cents.
Bad behaviour and comments about such.

I hate to be the bad one here, but I feel I must make reference to League Constitutions and TBA Code of Ethics (which covers all Constitutions unless otherwise stated).

While it is against the Rules and Code of Ethics for any bowler to behave badly or in any way that reflects badly on the game of Tenpin Bowling, it is also against TBA Code of Ethics for any bowler or Committee member to make comments about any situation that may arise in this regard, on any chat or public forums.

While there may be issues to be dealt with, it does not make the job of the Committee members any easier when people talk or express their opinions about it.

And Graham, I know I spoke to you about this on the phone and I more than agree with you that people are entitled to their opinions on such matters, but in all fairness to the parties involved these rules are put in place for a reason. Remember also people, I do not make the rules but have been elected by the members of our League to act on their behalf and to ensure that everyone gets a 'fair go'. Therefor it is my responsibility to advise everyone posting on this subject of the Code of Ethics.

Here is part of the Code:

TBA Code of Ethics
1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every
human being.
• Within the context of the activity, treat everyone
equally regardless of race, gender, disability,
sexual orientation, age or religion.
2. Respect the Company and the Sport. • Do not slander the Company, its Directors,
employees or volunteers.
• Maintain confidentiality when required.
This refers to Board meetings, committee
meetings, NSO Office, Tournament Rooms and
any areas where the business discussed requires
• Refrain from comments on electronic mediums
that do not enhance the Company or the Sport.
This refers to Egroups, chat-lines etc.

3. Uphold the Policies and Rules of Tenpin Bowling
Australia Ltd.
• Staff, Consultants, Officials and bowlers are
expected to be familiar with the Policies and
Rules of Tenpin Bowling Australia Ltd.

Once again, sorry to be the bad person here but as I said, I am doing the job that the League elected me to do. And would do the same for any person in a League of which I am a member of that Committee.


Ian Preston
Vice President - Super Cash Singles League.
Ipswich Super Bowl.
Your league elected you to instruct the members of this forum regarding what they should or should not post?
That's quite a responsibility you've been given.
Ok, I'm going to stick my head in about this cos bad behaviour pissed me off , im not the best bowler but im still learning, and I could give most good bowlers a run for their money, ipswich cash singles is not the only league this happens in, its everywhere, and listen guys is you think you should be given the same conditions week in week out, your sadly mistaken , so that means you think you shouldnt ever have to adjust, and thats the reason there are so many big tournaments where there are so many bowlers averaging 150-170, cos they have hard conditions they chuck a shit, then have a cry, start bowling crap then they leave the league, and say things like i should have to pay 20 bucks a week to bowl shit,
does anyone agree?

probably not, ive probably run my mouth about shit again, hey jase????????
Spider said:
does anyone agree?

probably not, ive probably run my mouth about **** again, hey jase????????

You going to blame this on your sister too!!!!!!!!!!

You idiot!

Hopefully i run into you on the lanes on Sunday!

Andrew S. Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:55 pm Post subject:


Your league elected you to instruct the members of this forum regarding what they should or should not post?
That's quite a responsibility you've been given.


I think you should read what I posted again. I never said the League elected me to instruct the members of this forum regarding what they should or should not post. I was merely pointing out the TBA Rules and Bowlers Code of Ethics, of which EVERY bowler who pays membership to the TBA every year is obliged to obey.

Say what you will, I have posted the respective rules and if you care to look at their site you will find the punishments should a person breach these rules. If it continues and makes my job within that League any harder then I may refer this matter to the TBA.

Personally, I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me, if I feel the need to take it further I will. I am sticking up for people such as yourself, as I am sure you would be the first to complain if a confidential matter that involved you were to be discussed in a public way and were to cause you undue stress and bring your reputation and that of Tenpin Bowling into disrepute. As you would be the first to complain if a Committee member was not doing the job they were elected to do.

My initial post was a polite request that people not discuss an issue that has not been resolved at Ipswich Superbowl.

Thanks again for your time.


My opinion is that you are taking this too personally. No details have been given apart from that it was Ipswich, but im sure if you visited any bowling centre in this country you would find instances of "bad behaviour" from bowlers. This topic was meant to be a general opinion on bad behaviour.

I do not see a problem with this topic as I said, there are no details, it is a conversation regarding opinions on the general topic - read the first post "I have only seen this at Ipswich bowl this year. Can anyone answer this question, what is the point behind this bad behaviour ?"

Nowhere is it pointing the finger at Ipswich Superbowl or any staff or league officials - it is a VERY general topic which could apply to any centre in Australia. Noone is discussing your "ongoing confidential issue" at Ipswich. To be honest I had no idea there was one, and the only reason I know there is one is because you keep going on about it! I told you when you called me that posting anything would just bring attention to it, and guess what you have done ? Brought attention to it !

I told you when you called me that posting anything would just bring attention to it, and guess what you have done ? Brought attention to it !

Well said Graham!

I believe that this is an in-centre problem, and like Graham said "Purple" was just generalising when he had seen incidents of it at Ipswich. I retract my last statement in saying that Purple shouldn't have pointed the finger at Ipswich - after rereading his post I realised this wasn't the case.

I think you need to see your local Association before you involve the TBA - this is after all what they're there for. You can also see Centre Management. We're not just here to take your money, we're all here for the sport and I'm sure the managers at your centre feel the same way.

This has to be resolved by the parties concerned, instead of being broadcast to the whole of Australia's bowling fraternity on this forum.
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