Baby Boy for Hayden & Angela

Congratulations to Hayden and Angela on the birth of baby LIAM HAYDEN at 1.54pm today. (Sunday)
Mother and baby are doing well.
Our best wishes to you all.

Love Brett and Deb :D
Congrats to both of you mate.....didn't think ya had it in ya?? :shock: :shock:
and I bet Angela didn't either!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p
catch ya soon mate..
well done on having a boy

that's so good to hear you had a boy your second time around so will that mean your going to get the snip now cause if you are ,let me know and i will go in with you and we will both get it :lol: p,s does this mean i will have to stay in a hotel now that the other room is being used :cry: :cry: :cry: only jokin,he can sit up with the boys and have a few beers :D :D :D give angela a kiss 4 me and say well done and i cant wait to see the little bugger,from your mate la cock
Gus & Angela,

Congratulations on the birth of Liam Hayden. Hope all is well, now you have a pigeon pair. See you Wednesday night.

Regards :) :) :)
snail & ang,

congrats!....good to see you are starting your own colony :), but seriuosly fine performance....and it looks like you didnt choke in the crutch!!, seeya wednesday.

Big congrats to Gus & Angela on the birth of Liam.
My best to wishes to you all and I hope everyone is doing fine.

PS. - Am I right in thinking that it was just in time before Gus went away for the week? Or was that last week? :?
Congrats Angela & Gus on the birth of the little one :D
Keep on going and you'll have your own Shield team in years to come :wink:
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