Avatars / Pictures Under Names


Staff member
Well the time has come to allow avatars.

Once you are logged into the forum, and click on Profile, you can scroll down and you will see an option for avatar. Here you can either upload any jpeg or gif file to display underneath your name. Images must be no bigger than 80x80 pixels, and no bigger than 6k in size. Or you can link the image from an external website.

There is also a gallery with some images, just Simpsons and South Park images at the moment, I will be getting more images for the gallery as we go along.

I warn everyone now, if this is abused it will be turned off immediately. No offensive or obscene images. Don't wreck it for everyone.

Otherwise, enjoy :)
Graham....You'll be sorry you ever opened up this can of worms.
What..are you crazy ??????
Excellent work Graham! and thanks Androoo for fixing up my pic for me. 8)
Want a moving avatar, I may be able to help. No cost, however dont EXPECT it, you'll get it when I have time.
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