Australian Mens team how is it going to be selected


Hi all. Just a question but an interesting one all the same. Will the Mens team be selected using the same formula that the Youth team was selected by. That is using 10 criteria in a camp environment.

The fact you even need to ask the question says something about this sport doesn't it?

I'm not having a go at you mate, I don't know the answer to your question either. I'm remarking at the fact that it's so poorly advertised. All other sports I've been a part of had very clear pathways up, why don't we here?
Well if you go by the recent events with the Youth camp i think we might be on the right track. All im asking is if this will be across the board or will outside pressures force TBA into its old formulas. Dont shot me im just asking the questions.

Will be very interesting to see the answers.


Oh and i do support the way TBA conducted the Youth roll off. At last a level playing field.
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