Just a Bowler
Kingaroy Committee would like to invite all to the Association Challange's 18th Birthday Bash. The 3 day shindig, at great expense, will be held a several s w a n k places in the Kingaroy region. The Lord expects everyone to be dressed accordingly.(The Caboolture Ladies have been given special permission to wear their white pants as they are proudly sponsored by White Lady Funerals.Brisbane Men will not be allowed to wear " Marto's Funky pants " as it would put Kingaroy's Cosmic bowling lights to shame.) You are also require to be on your best behaviour,
.... yeah right!!
Like all good 18th (when does that happen) it shall start early. There also shall be karaoke on the hour and every hour, so join in and don't be afraid because no one is really listening. Also this year the Realm has decided to bring in a "Heritage" and "Rivalry" round. Heritage round will require the teams to dress in something that reflect your association, for example Gold Coast in Meter Maid outfits, Ipswich have a second head, Rocky as Cows... you get the picture. Rivalry round will be those great clashes like Brisbane v Ipswich, Gold Coast v Her..no,Ips..no,Gold Coast v EVERYONE!!!! But the most important thing is now that we are 18, you must show ID when asked.
Now for the Odds and Form:
The characters in this guide are entirely fictitious and accordingly any similarity between them and the "actual" characters is entirely coincidental
Sunshine Coast: Combined 7-4, Mens 6-4 Women 2-1
Alot a last year's team returning to go one better. Even with the loss of Princess Brando, they still have the goods with Shayne "Grand Champion" Melton, Current Australian Rep Brendan " The Gympie Horse" Meads and Capt Sir Quail for the men. The addition of Alicia Meads to the womens has strengthen their tilt at the title.
Gold Coast: Combine 7-4 Mens 2-1 Women 6-4
Firstly it must be noted that sportsperson,all round good guy and lovable scotsman Sir Jimmy Murray will not be there, Green card issues.:woot_jump: But don't discount the Coasters. Andy has recuited strongly and with Lady Kellie "Farnzy" Hart and Sweetiepiebumfacelukie Rafton at the helm,they'll have their respective teams up for the challange. Be wary if Cyclone Moo is in the area.
Caboolture: Combined 5-1 Mens 5-1 Womens 5-1
As usual Sir Batesy will be steering these ships. He's job made a little harder without his gnome,Drewy. Both divisions are solid with a good mix youth, experience and Sir Phil. Discipline could be a problem with the HOF joining the team.
Rockhampton: Combined 4-1 Mens 3-1 Womens 7-1
A strong chance this year as they are use to bowling on :wtf1: conditions. Their Sirs 2 v Jesters 1 Mens team have been around mark lately and with the dropping of petersen points this could be their year. The ladies with Qld Aay Captain Leesa Bartlem, Tammy Gurr and Danea Ward could surprise several teams and have a chance for a top 3 finish.
Ipswich: Combined 16-1, Mens 8-1, Women 12-1
Both teams will probably put in a steady effort without really threating the top teams. Could cause some nasty headaches for oppenents in more ways than one
The luxury of bowling on synthetics has taken away what edge they use to have.
Kingaroy: Combined 12-1 Mens 7-1 , Womens 8-1
The Nutters have alot to live up to since the title has been won the last 2 years by respective host association. Probably their strongest team in years with many of players making state teams. Then there's always the Douglass Factor. What has this psyhcopath with the devilish smile got in store for us?
Toowoomba: Combined 25-1 Mens 12-1 Womens 18-1
Communication is the key in this team heading back to their glory days of 1994. Recently have shown more passion and fire off the lanes than on. Could be change in the wind if only the P Plate Jester Cory Knowles bowls at Anchor !!!!
Bundaberg: Combined 20-1 Mens 12-1 Womens 14-1
Looking to omens to help their campaign this year. Was first team to annouce line ups and new conditions layed down to challange themselves. Better prepared and looking for their best result to date. Could surprise.
Hervey Bay: Combined 18-1 Mens 8-1 Womens 16-1
Sir David Wield and co always put on a gallant effort every year and we would expect nothing less from them this year. Again they like to keep everything on the :secret: but when the first ball is rolled then its :JD::5shotss: .
Brisbane: Combined 8-1 Mens 4-1 Womens 10-1
Almost completely new line-ups this year with the exception of an old rug and a worn out nintendo DS.The men's are strengthen with Gympie Open Winner Jon "it's good to be the" King and ECCC player Ben "Meinz" Hynes. The women will hold their own and with a little luck could be pressing for a top 3. The addition of '09 reps Cindy Phelan and Kylie Waddell will help.Also Brissy would like to thank Rob Stone for his words of encouragement and wisdom.
Well I could :bullrider:<- for hours but i'll save that for next weekend. Everyone have safe journey and looking forward to seeing old n new faces.
Mister Association
Like all good 18th (when does that happen) it shall start early. There also shall be karaoke on the hour and every hour, so join in and don't be afraid because no one is really listening. Also this year the Realm has decided to bring in a "Heritage" and "Rivalry" round. Heritage round will require the teams to dress in something that reflect your association, for example Gold Coast in Meter Maid outfits, Ipswich have a second head, Rocky as Cows... you get the picture. Rivalry round will be those great clashes like Brisbane v Ipswich, Gold Coast v Her..no,Ips..no,Gold Coast v EVERYONE!!!! But the most important thing is now that we are 18, you must show ID when asked.
Now for the Odds and Form:
The characters in this guide are entirely fictitious and accordingly any similarity between them and the "actual" characters is entirely coincidental
Sunshine Coast: Combined 7-4, Mens 6-4 Women 2-1
Alot a last year's team returning to go one better. Even with the loss of Princess Brando, they still have the goods with Shayne "Grand Champion" Melton, Current Australian Rep Brendan " The Gympie Horse" Meads and Capt Sir Quail for the men. The addition of Alicia Meads to the womens has strengthen their tilt at the title.
Gold Coast: Combine 7-4 Mens 2-1 Women 6-4
Firstly it must be noted that sportsperson,all round good guy and lovable scotsman Sir Jimmy Murray will not be there, Green card issues.:woot_jump: But don't discount the Coasters. Andy has recuited strongly and with Lady Kellie "Farnzy" Hart and Sweetiepiebumfacelukie Rafton at the helm,they'll have their respective teams up for the challange. Be wary if Cyclone Moo is in the area.
Caboolture: Combined 5-1 Mens 5-1 Womens 5-1
As usual Sir Batesy will be steering these ships. He's job made a little harder without his gnome,Drewy. Both divisions are solid with a good mix youth, experience and Sir Phil. Discipline could be a problem with the HOF joining the team.
Rockhampton: Combined 4-1 Mens 3-1 Womens 7-1
A strong chance this year as they are use to bowling on :wtf1: conditions. Their Sirs 2 v Jesters 1 Mens team have been around mark lately and with the dropping of petersen points this could be their year. The ladies with Qld Aay Captain Leesa Bartlem, Tammy Gurr and Danea Ward could surprise several teams and have a chance for a top 3 finish.
Ipswich: Combined 16-1, Mens 8-1, Women 12-1
Both teams will probably put in a steady effort without really threating the top teams. Could cause some nasty headaches for oppenents in more ways than one
Kingaroy: Combined 12-1 Mens 7-1 , Womens 8-1
The Nutters have alot to live up to since the title has been won the last 2 years by respective host association. Probably their strongest team in years with many of players making state teams. Then there's always the Douglass Factor. What has this psyhcopath with the devilish smile got in store for us?
Toowoomba: Combined 25-1 Mens 12-1 Womens 18-1
Communication is the key in this team heading back to their glory days of 1994. Recently have shown more passion and fire off the lanes than on. Could be change in the wind if only the P Plate Jester Cory Knowles bowls at Anchor !!!!
Bundaberg: Combined 20-1 Mens 12-1 Womens 14-1
Looking to omens to help their campaign this year. Was first team to annouce line ups and new conditions layed down to challange themselves. Better prepared and looking for their best result to date. Could surprise.
Hervey Bay: Combined 18-1 Mens 8-1 Womens 16-1
Sir David Wield and co always put on a gallant effort every year and we would expect nothing less from them this year. Again they like to keep everything on the :secret: but when the first ball is rolled then its :JD::5shotss: .
Brisbane: Combined 8-1 Mens 4-1 Womens 10-1
Almost completely new line-ups this year with the exception of an old rug and a worn out nintendo DS.The men's are strengthen with Gympie Open Winner Jon "it's good to be the" King and ECCC player Ben "Meinz" Hynes. The women will hold their own and with a little luck could be pressing for a top 3. The addition of '09 reps Cindy Phelan and Kylie Waddell will help.Also Brissy would like to thank Rob Stone for his words of encouragement and wisdom.
Well I could :bullrider:<- for hours but i'll save that for next weekend. Everyone have safe journey and looking forward to seeing old n new faces.
Mister Association