Asian Schools


Just had a look on the TBA website, heres the list

Dion Alexander (SA)
Chris Barratt (WA)
Josh Bulow (NSW)
Ben Coupland (QLD)
Michael Craig (ACT)
Toby Fallas (NSW)
Robert O'Reilly (NSW)
Shaun Parlby (VIC)
Ian Phelan (QLD)
Tim Reichel (QLD)
Stephen Reynolds (NSW)
Matt Sing (NSW)
Brad Tanner (SA)
Mark Triulcio (NSW)
Mike Wilkey (WA)
Shane Williams (SA)

Tiffany Bowdler (Qld
Marnie Britton (NSW)
Christine Day (NSW)
Kelly Foreman (SA)
Felicity Hutchins (NT)
Louise Ingoe (SA)
Kirsten McKell (Qld)
Courtney Murdoch (Vic)
Cassie Staudinger (Vic)
Kara Triulcio (NSW)
Sylvia Wilson (WA)
Kelly Young (NSW)

Good Luck to everyone
A couple of names are missing in above list. See TBA site.

Good luck to Tim, Ben, Ian, Tiffany and Kirsten. :D :D Go Queenslanders \:D/

My selection of the winners for each of the three available spots are:


Ben Coupland
Shaun Parlby
Josh Bulow


Sylvia Wilson
Kelly Young
Kelly Foreman

What do you think? #-o


I think that you are pretty much on par with your pick for the boys with Ben and Shaun, but going on tournament results and general bowling achievements of late, I would say that when you have bowlers like Matty Sing, Bobby O'Rielly and Steve Reynolds, you honestly would have to put one of them in the 3rd spot left - nothing personal against Josh, in fact good luck to you and everyone, but if you weigh up the history of all players, I think that you would have a hard time keeping Sing, O'Rielly and Reynolds out of that last place. After all, Bobby is going to the USA on a bowling scholarship later this year so he must have an advantageous quality to achieve that, and still be a junior bowler!

Same goes for the girls team, but you really can't dismiss Christine Day, she has a consistant and reliable shot and having seen her bowl recently at the youth challenge, I would see her getting on the plane for sure.

Basically, I think everyone should go to Canberra with the attitude that they can indeed make the team, because being positive and having the mental strength to believe in yourself and your ability is a big part of the game indeed. I may be a bit bias towards NSW Central bowlers, but I believe that we have the talent as a zone team and that talent can also be shown as individual bowlers. But good luck to everyone competing.

Just my thoughts....
I'd definitly have to agree with Brad on this one. Based on there performances over the last 6-8 months, you would have to be looking at Ben, Shaun, Bobby, Matt and Steven to be right up there. It will be a great battle to watch for those that are going over for it, and good luck to everyone whose going for it

As for the girls, its a similar situation, with people like Christine, Cassie, Kirsten, Courtney and Sam likely to be the main contenders. I know Sam would want to make it this year after missing out last year by half a point.

It'll be a great team no matter who makes it. And to those that make it, you'll have a great time (speaking from experience :D )
I just noticed another new name on the list, 2-time Schools representitive Chris Slattery. He'll be a definite contender, and will be wanting to make his 3rd Asian Schools Team
Really would have liked to go down for it but unfortunately things came up - would have been a good experience.

Anyway, for the boys. Shuan, Bobby, Matty, Ben and Steve all look the goods to fill the last 3 spots so i guess its going to come down to who bowls best, good luck to all of you and all the other guys rolling off. EDIT: SLATS??? Definetely a contender 200% more experience than any of the other boys, everyone should want this man on the team.

Talking to sammy this morning she REALLY wants this and she was swinging the ball nicely this morning. Christine as usual in with a shot as she is with everything. Cassie Staudinger(???) from VIC looks promising to take one of the 3 spots aswell with a very nice shot and a bit more power than most of the other girls. Also Hayley Donnelly from SQ, if she's got the goods on the day i wouldn't be suprised at all to see this girl with a kangaroo on her shirt.

A big GOOD LUCK to everyone rolling off i hope you all have a great time.

Everyone who is bowling must have a pretty good chance - but I'm barracking for Marnie - she could surprise everyone & she definately has a good chance!! Good luck to Josh Bulow & Jay Bryson as well (Jay is a late entry).
Should be a great weekend of bowling.
Well it looks like there is a big selection there! good luck to all the bowlers, adn espically steve reynolds, flicky and mike!! :D:D:D:D
Good Luck to everyone rolling off EXPECIALLY all QLD bowlers!!! GOOD LUCK U'S ARE ALL CHAMPS! :lol: \:D/ :squarewi:
Some good late entries since my tips.

Must agree with you all that Matt (Sing) and Chris will also be hard to keep off the list. Matt's performances in the 2002 Jun Nats were simply awesome and we all know how good Chris is. And Michael Craig - a great talent no-one has mentioned. Bowling for only about a year, but his 289 at last years Jun Nats was a super game.

Every entry has a good chance as the standard is great. But I won't be unkind to those I have selected - they will give a good effort and hopefully fire on the day(s).

A bit of a plug for some the Sunshine State entrants. :2gunfire: Matt Smith is a "sleeper". He and Tim Reichel bowled brilliantly in the Redcliffe City Open with over the card averages under difficult conditions and both finished ahead of some well known top bowlers. Tim also cashed in in the Cannon Hill Open and recently fired up a 295. Both cannot be counted out if lane conditions (and the long haul down) don't effect them. Hayley is a real talent on the way up so don't count her out. Go Queenslanders!! \:D/

Good luck to all the contenders. And be kind to each other. :lol: :lol:

TBA must also be commended for conducting a sports psycholoy session and in the way the roll-off blocks have been broken down. Well done. =P~

Goodluck to everyone rolling off!!
especially bobby, shaun, steve, christine, flick, KELLY and court!
i'll be cheering really really loud.. from vic!

luv jess!
this is probally a really stupid question but im curious cos i have never rolled off for asian schools before
i know u have to be studying but how many hours a week do you have to study to be eligable??
and does it have an age limit??

well my pick for the girls would be:
tiffany bowdler, she bowled really impressively at brunswick junior/youth tourn,and has a lot of promise inthis game
christine day: a constant performer and always up there in the top lot, this chick is going to be hard to beat
and finally..........
cassie staudinger: she is on a huge roll especially coming off her win at latrobe, this girl has got the skills and the ability to do it.

if i had to pick some one else i would also pick syliva wilson, i was very impressed with what i witnessed at shield.

goodluck to all the girls going off its going to be tough.

the boys

stephen(i like jellyfish ;) ) reynolds: has an awesome shot and can post out telephone numbers for scores when he wants to, look out for this one,
chris slattery: always a danger man, this guy can bowl, even if he is throwing a plastic straight at the pocket ;);)
and lastly.......
toby fallas: another product of the honeychurch camp, a consistant performer too and also with his huge effort at brunswick youth narrowly missing out on the cut, i reckon this man is going to be a force to be recogned with.

goodluck to everyone rolling off, if i was doing fulltime schooling i would have gone for it too but sadly work wont allow that.
just remember everyone bowl for fun but bowl to win!

You have to be 18 years and under and be enrolled in full-time study such as University or TAFE. Part-time study doesn't count at all. I am unsure of what the cut off date for ages is though but you must be studying on a full-time basis. Hope this clears it up a bit for you.

This is from the TBA Website


• All players must be under 19 years of age on 1st January 2004 and full time students at school, university or college.
• Bowlers must bowl in a 2003 registered centre.
• Bowlers must be a registered player in good standing with TBA.
• Bowlers must have completed at least 18 games in a league competition during 2003.

Hope that helps :D

Also good luck to everyone rolling off this year i will see you on friday night
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