Asian Schools Championship 2010


I'm still standin'
this was put on the TBA site in the last 10 minutes...


Roll off for the Australian Schools Teams to compete at the Asian Schools
Championships in Malaysia May 2010

Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited is seeking expressions of interest from elite junior Tenpin Bowlers interested in
representing their country at the Asian School Tenpin Bowling Championships to be held in Malaysia from May 21st –
30th 2010. TBA will be sending 2 boys teams and 2 girls teams to compete in the tournament.

We seek expressions of interest from the top 20 male and female juniors in the Youth Rankings, as per the TBA
National Rankings as at the 31st December 2009. If there are expressions of interest received from more than 8
Australian boys and 8 girls, a TBA Limited selection roll-off will be held to select both teams.

Please email your
expression of interest and direct any further enquriries regarding the selection trial to Kelly Warren at either or fax 07 32625544 and please include the following information:

TBA Silver Membership number
Date of birth
Email Address

Expressions of interests are to be received by no later than close of business 5pm 5th February 2010.
The selection roll-off will take place during the 2010 Werribee Youth Cup which will commence on Saturday the 6th
March at Werribee Superbowl and conclude on Sunday 7th March 2010.
The Age eligibility for this event has not been released from the Asian Bowling Federation. However based on history,
bowlers must be 18 or under during the year of competition. Once TBA has received this information it will be released

Contact: Kelly Warren
Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited
Phone: (07) 32624455
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