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the photo's havn't been put up when super bowl in towba got updated wat with that? :confused:
the photo's on sun set super bowl hasn't got their photo's up but they hav all ready updated their page
You ever thought of actually emailing sunset and asking them to put the photo's up Matt.....rather than just jumping straight on here and bitchin about it. Things might get done if you ask nicely???
Flick, you be quiet you dunno what they are talkin about.. and your english is bad too..
and matt.. listen to Tom.. AND stop making new threads about Cr*p
yeah well flick, im just sayin you have no idea what they are talkin about.. and the answer to your question "y would they put photos up on a website" BECAUSE ITS A VERY COMMON THING TO DO!! and i never said i didnt like what people were sayin.. so you are all over the place there..
and im ALLOWED to say this because "people are aloud (wrong spelling) 2 have a say"
look flick...this is a qld forum for the simple reason that the qlders come in here and talk about what happens in qld...hint hint...and therefore if u r not from qld OR have no idea what u r saying on the subject at the time...then maybe dont say anything at all ok???

and matt...i agree with that tom guy
Can you guys get back on the topic. True, they have bad grammar, but a lot of people use bad grammar on totalbowling...including myself. There's really no need to have an argument about it, because it is pointless.


Rowey :p
Hey Cass
So there 4 y does people from Qld and Nsw write in Vics forum.
And the same wif Vic and Qld in Nsws forum.
Tell me that Cass.
I dont wanna start a fight im just askin a question and
Im not tell people 2 stop writein in the other forums i was just askin a question.

maybe because we actually know what we are talking about when we reply to posts in other states forums...we dont just see what our friends have written and go off half cocked thinking that we know whats going on...when we not saying that you cant post in other forums i'm just saying that you should know what you are talking about before hand...i dont wanna fight either but like you said everyone is entitled to thier opinion!!!
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