Anyone know of any 5 or more games leagues ?


Staff member
Im currently working on something and need to know if there are many 5 game leagues around ? I think Caboolture had one at one stage ...
Thats correct Graham. Caboolture did and i think they still do on a friday night. Starts at 8.30pm or 9pm singles league.

Sorry cant seem to recall the costs they were paying.

But as far as i know thats the only one.
Caboolture has two 5 game leagues

there is one on a thursday night, starts at 8.30 pm $32 is the cost.

the second league is on a friday night, that too starts at 8:30pm not sure about the cost, it might be the same but it depends on what the league decided as to what they wanted as the social money on top of the game fees set out by the bowl.

hope this helps
Maitland Bowl has a 5 game singles league on a Tuesday night that has 20 bowlers in it. League average 200+. Starts at 8.30 and costs $35.00.
Cannington used to have a 5 game youth singles league on Saturday mornings up until mid-last year when we cut it back to 4 games in order to keep the cost at $22 a week.

Still has a great payout with $400 + a $400 ball for first prize. pays down to 6th. $50 for high game & series scratch & hcap. $80 for high average. 50c per point with 8 points a week up for grabs.
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