Any proshop in Mel?(near CBD)


New Member
hello, i just arrive Mel, i cannot find any proshop and bowling center which near CBD...can anyone give me some information? thank you~
Unfortunately they are few and far between. Most centres have a quality driller and can order in what you need but don't have much stock in store.

The best place to go by far is , Michael Wilson (East Melbourne) runs it, he can get anything in roughly a week and is a great ball driller. His prices are hard to compete with, I recently bought an entire tournament arsenal from him, balls, bags, towels and including drilling for 4 balls was only a little over $1000. The drillings were flawless and identical across the 4 balls.

Best to give him a call and tell him what you are after, he definately looks after his customers.

As far as a physical pro shop. You can see Patrick Birtig at AMF Boronia, they have a good range of gear of all brands.
"Go Ballistic from the start" says it all really. Anything you want Michael will get. He's looked after me for years. I find it hard to support my local centre's pro shop when your getting the same product for more money. Why would you buy 2 balls from your local centre when you can buy 3 for the same price. But that's just my opinion.
Why would you buy 2 balls from your local centre when you can buy 3 for the same price. But that's just my opinion.

I agree that centres have been overcharging way too long, but some of us are bringing the prices back to competitive levels and adding plenty of service as well. In centre proshops will become extinct if centres dont dont smarten up. At Werribee thats what we are trying to do.
Amf centres in qld quote me up to $120 more per ball than places like BallisticRevs. For example When I got my nano it was $255 but AMF wanted $365. Wrist guard $40 from animal at caboolture, $89 at AMF
When I started, I didn't know any better and trusted the local centre. I have paid up to $400 for a ball on a few occasions.

Through different pro shops run privately, I have bought high performance balls for as little as $250 drilled for a much better drilling service and for layouts that suit my style so much better.

Just depends on how people want to market there service. Some people want to make a good profit (and to be quite honest, charge ridiculous prices to put 3/4 holes in a ball) and sell 3 balls a week. Some others here in Australia would rather make half that profit and sell 30 balls a week.

I am sorry if I offend anyone on this forum, but I have no sympathy for anyone who want to charge $100 or more to drill a ball and then complain when people go elsewhere.

Yes, drilling is an art and is not an easy task to master, there are a lot of ball drillers with amazing knowledge out there, but when you charge the same price to drill a ball as what the ball costs you to buy in. You deserve to lose business to people like Ballistic Revs, Buddies, ACProshop.
Yes, drilling is an art and is not an easy task to master, there are a lot of ball drillers with amazing knowledge out there, but when you charge the same price to drill a ball as what the ball costs you to buy in. You deserve to lose business to people like Ballistic Revs, Buddies, ACProshop.

Its still a vastly underrated service, cant emphasize that enough so i'm not even going to try. Here we include the cost of drilling in the ball, which will still come in well under $300. but even if you do bring a ball in and pay our standard $ get 15 or 20 minutes on the lanes before drilling, speed and PAP measuring, discussions on axis tilt, revolution, RPM, preferred conditions, preferred reactions. Dual angle layout with gradient line hole measurements, then another half hour on the lanes afterwards. The things that a good ball driller does is endless, but true enough, some people cant look past the $$ they are saving. and thats fair enough.
Can't go past Werribee and Adam's drilling.

Would recommend (and have recommended) them to anyone. Poor Adam will be drilling my pills for a very long time to come.
Yes I totally understand your stance, but here's the issue. 90% of bowlers that are buying the high end gear already know all this. They know their PAP, all there prevous balls have been measured for all these things. They don't need to have 20 mins before and after. They want 3 holes drilled, a ball/layout to fit in with the empty whole in their arsenal and to go off to league and/or tournament.

It's all well and good to say that you are paying to have all this extra attention, but are you really going to do this everytime you buy a ball? More likely the first ball you get from a new driller and that's it.

If you want to charge $100 for a bowler analysis prior to getting a ball drilled, that's absolutely fine. Thats a great service and extremely beneficial to the bowler and ball driller to get the right layout and drilling, but when you are charging $100 to copy the work of another driller. That's what I am talking about.

If you buy a top shelf set of golf clubs, you can can $100 to have your shot analyzed/ clubs fitted to get the right adjustment/fit for your new clubs, but once you know the adjustments: you aren't going to pay the $100 everytime you buy a new club are you?
Yes I totally understand your stance, but here's the issue. 90% of bowlers that are buying the high end gear already know all this. They know their PAP, all there prevous balls have been measured for all these things. They don't need to have 20 mins before and after. They want 3 holes drilled, a ball/layout to fit in with the empty whole in their arsenal and to go off to league and/or tournament.

It's all well and good to say that you are paying to have all this extra attention, but are you really going to do this everytime you buy a ball? More likely the first ball you get from a new driller and that's it.

If you want to charge $100 for a bowler analysis prior to getting a ball drilled, that's absolutely fine. Thats a great service and extremely beneficial to the bowler and ball driller to get the right layout and drilling, but when you are charging $100 to copy the work of another driller. That's what I am talking about.

If you buy a top shelf set of golf clubs, you can can $100 to have your shot analyzed/ clubs fitted to get the right adjustment/fit for your new clubs, but once you know the adjustments: you aren't going to pay the $100 everytime you buy a new club are you?

You're getting into details here mate and thats fine, i can only give you details from my experience though.

*You'd be surprised how many high end bowlers dont know their PAP. Drilling and bowling at a high level for 20 years confirms this.
*No of course they dont pay the same price every time. the first one is usually $70 (not $100) then afterwards, commonly $40 a ball.
*$70, not $100 (I can only give you the details of my services). And if your ball driller is just copying someones elses work and not forming his own opinions, they are just a bad ball driller (unless you asked for a direct copy)
*Of course you dont pay $70 everytime, we are professionals here, and do it in a professional way.

Seems you are overrating the whole drilling service thing, thats fine. But hopefully i can influence your opinion and show you that some drillers are also bowlers and are looking out for bowlers and not trying to rip them off.
Hey mate, I am not commenting on the service where you are/ you provde. I am simply saying that there are drillers out there who charge $100 and over and they shouldn't be surprised when their customers go elsewhere.

I definately don't overrate the drilling service but when the 2 drillers here in Australia that have left my previous ball drillers for dead as far as skill, fit and knowledge are charging less than half of what I have paid previously.

You really need to ask the question as to why would you pay top dollar and get ripped off when there are skilled, honest drillers who do a much better job.

"No of course they dont pay the same price every time. the first one is usually $70 (not $100) then afterwards, commonly $40 a ball."

This is perfect, that's an extremely well priced arrangement where you are providing a great service, but those prices are nowhere near what some proshops and centres offer.
Generally I agree with you, there are times when its justified though. If a bowler is having problems and a driller is willing to spend a couple of hours with them doing the full fitout, this is invaluable in my opinion. However for a straight drill that takes half an hour with no real effort made...$100 is ridiculous.

In the end though, if you are happy with your arrangement and your driller, this is all you can ask for.
I guess it all comes down to where the person lives..
Michael from Ballistic Revs gives me and a lot of other bowlers some very fantastic deals and he doesnt take forever to drill the gear either, he will be my ball driller till the day he retires.
Sounds like you guys at Werribee have the right idea. Look after your clients and they will look after you in return. There is nothing better for business than word of mouth. Good to hear that there are still some centre pro shops that take some pride in their work and offer a service to their clients as opposed to just wacking some holes in the ball anywhere and giving it to the bowler.
Your right it is amazing how many bowlers know nothing about their PAP, tilt, axis rotation etc. I was one of those people until 6 months ago, lol. Once you start to learn a bit about drilling and layouts you cant stop and the art is forever changing. More respect really does need to go to good ball driller but unfortunately there aren't enough bowlers educated enough to know a good driller from a bad one.
As Becka_girl said Michael will be my driller until he retires.
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