And you thought you'd heard it all before

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
Recent enquiries to TBA regarding the progress of finding a suitable manager for South Qld. have now been answered.
It appears that only 1 person has applied for the job, that person being Frank Kosztan.
It appears that the reluctance of people to nominate for the position is because,
Quote (June V)

"Any of the people we have approached have not wanted to take on the position because they are intimidated by members of TBAQ and certain proprietors."

End quote.

Is this the South Queensland Rachuig Team Manager?? Is it too late for me to put in for it? I'm not bowling Rachuig but will be attending Townsville anyway for the Masters at my own cost. Wouldn't mind coming along..............
No George I think you will find it is the South Queensland TBA Manager, much the same as Peter Coburn was the Victorian Metro manager for TBA.
just wondering andrew if you know if the position has been filled? has anyone else applied? :roll:
I could always come out of retirement and get involved in the political side of bowling again.

Think I might enjoy it, oyhers may not.

:?: :D :wink: :wink:
Absolutely Eric, go for gold :wink: Maybe you should. If it's the Eric I'm thinking of...go for it :D If not, well....STILL GO FOR IT!! :lol:
I am fairly sure the position has not as yet been filled.
If you are thinking of applying, remember the job is basically unpaid and requires a great deal of your time. If you are independantly wealthy it would help.
Nervous types who are easily intimidated by all of us at TBAQ, need not apply.
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