
Staff member

26 & 27 July 2003

Download pdf of entry form : 1.3meg

Entry Fee: MEN $260, WOMEN $160 including GST

All bowlers (Male and Female divisions) will bowl 12 games in one appearance in their allocated squad.

– The Top 16 bowlers from qualifying will bowl one full round of matchplay with 30 bonus pins awarded per win and 15 bonus pins per draw. Pinfall from Qualifying will carry over. Placings for Men’s division will be decided at the completion of matchplay.
– The Top 8 bowlers from qualifying will bowl one full round of matchplay and a positional round with 30 bonus pins awarded per win and 15 bonus pins per draw. The pinfall from Qualifying will carry over. Placings for Women’s division will be decided at the completion of matchplay.

ENTRY FEE : $260 MEN & $160 WOMEN

Saturday 26th July 2003 - Qualifying
A Squad - Limited to 52 bowlers
8.00 am A Squad Check In
8.30 am A Squad Bowl 12 Games
B Squad - Limited to 52 bowlers
2.30 pm B Squad Check In & Lanes washed and oiled
3.00 pm B Squad Bowl 12 Games
8.00 pm Top 16 Men & Top 8 Women Announced

Sunday 27th July 2003 - Matchplay
9.00 am Top 16 Men Check In
9.15 am Top 16 Men bowl 15 games Matchplay
11.00 am Top 8 Women Check In
11.15 am Top 8 bowl 7 games Matchplay
3.00 pm Presentations

1st $3000
2nd $2000
3rd $1500
4th $1250
5th $1100
6th $1000
7th $900
8th $800
9th $750
10th $700
11th $650
12th $600
13th $575
14th $550
15th $525
16th $500
17th $400
18th $380
19th $360
20th $340
21st $330
22nd $320
23rd $310
24th $300
25th $290
26th $280
27th $270
28th $270
29th $260
30th $260
31st $200
32nd $200
33rd $200
34th $200
35th $200
36th $200

1st $1000
2nd $800
3rd $650
4th $550
5th $450
6th $400
7th $375
8th $350

1. This is a scratch event which is open to all bowlers who are TBA Register Players. All games will be bowled in accordance with TBA rules and regulations.
2. No bowler is permitted to have more than one entry in this event.
3. Check in and briefing is detailed in the tournament schedule on day one only.
4. Bowlers must wear acceptable attire. Jeans, track suits, collarless T shirts or shorts (men only) are not permitted.
5. Should a tie occur for 16th after Qualifying (Mens) or 8th after Qualifying (Women) or 1st after Matchplay (both divisions), a one game playoff will decide the position.
6. The Tournament Director reserves the right to check any bowler’s equipment at any time. Any equipment found to breach TBA regulations will result in disqualification with no claim on any prize money.
7. Bowlers are not permitted to smoke whilst actually competing in this tournament.
8. Bowlers not checked in by the advertised time will be disqualified and will have no claim on any prize money.
9. Any matters not covered in these conditions will be decided by the Tournament Director whose decision will be final.
National Tournament Director: Tony Goodwin.

with your name and address, and ask to be added to the Tournament Entry form mailing list.
i'm not sure if all of you have seen the entry form for this or not, and if you have, noticed this on the back page or not

but i noticed this morning that the men's prize fund is based on a total of 90 entries, and the women's based on a total of 24 entries, and if i am correct, gives a total of 114 entires that the prize fund is based on right??

now if you look at the number of entries they are taking for both squads, they say they are limited to 52 each... a total of 104 entries altogether.

so would that mean that there will be a definite reduction in the prize fund in either the mens or ladies or both? Or does that mean they will open up the tournament further past 104 entries (let's hope it does :D ) and go more than 4 per pair?

just thought this was interesting to note - not to have a whinge


Its a mistake in planning, due to there being a Friday night last year. We will have to just reduce the prizefund according to the entries in each division and will not be increasing the fields.

Thanks for the reply Graham, it was just interesting to note actually.

Looks like the NSW Open will be a huge event once again this year. Already a big list of names rolling in.

The question I pose to you now is why put a cap of the number of entries for a successufl tournament? I understand that by making it more than 4 per pair will throw the whole timing of the tournament out of whack, but why knock back a bowler?

Once again, just a query, not a whinge towards anyone or anything.
AMF have decided on a Friday night squad, open to a further 20 bowlers.

Check In : 6pm
Bowl : 6:30pm

Contact Bankstown Bowl to enter this squad. All other squads are full.
SQUAD LISTING AS OF 10:30AM THIS MORNING. Only 12 spots left in the NEW Friday Night squad.

1 Kelly Gardner
2 Brad Histon
3 Joel Lovegrove
4 Youseff Akbar
5 Craig Smith
6 Matt Sofia
7 David Wynbourne
8 Phil Astill

1 Glen Loader
2 Jason Waters New Zealand
3 Pete Richardson New Zealand
4 Tony Lum New Zealand
5 James Kelly New Zealand
6 Ivena Heald New Zealand
7 Sarah O'Hagan New Zealand
8 Julieanne Mollet New Zealand
9 Michael Little
10 Matt Frances
11 Andrew Lloyd
12 Don Pring
13 Amanda Bradley
14 Peter Miller
15 Peter Hammond
16 Geoff Wong
17 Anthony Flynn
18 Brad Lipp
19 LeeAnne Lipp
20 Chelsey Downie
21 Robert Mojer
22 Cameron Phillips
23 Bobbi Jo Kalcher
24 Ronald Vokoulos
25 Katie Kotteakos
26 Mark Lane
27 Michael Doutch
28 Paul Frances
29 Nathan Jenner
30 Steve Lovell
31 Ashly Clark
32 Shane Vanharten
33 Steven Malina
34 Andrew Jacklin
35 Susan Jack
36 Adam Lack
37 John Fry
38 Robert Townsend
39 Sandi Edwards
40 Sally Kerr
41 Mond Baduria
42 Domenico Di Fonzo
43 Maurice Amatjalal
44 Boris Capelli
45 Serge Pfeiffer
46 Sharron McKay
47 Jo Babic
48 Trent Cage
49 George Frilingos
50 Kenny Lim
51 Elizabeth Hitman
52 Nat Shelly

1 Nathan McNamara
2 David Davies New Zealand
3 Craig Nevatt New Zealand
4 Adrian Judd New Zealand
5 Clinton Beacham New Zealand
6 Terry Mustchin New Zealand
7 Belinda Tan New Zealand
8 Roz Millet New Zealand
9 Matt Middlemiss
10 Andrew Frawley
11 Sue Cassell
12 Paul Delany
13 Ann Maree Putney
14 Steve Kiss
15 Jason Walsh
16 Cameron Walsh
17 Barry Walsh
18 Emma Rutton
19 Michelle Cotrell
20 David Turnage
21 Christian Purdue
22 Debbie Balldock
23 Drew Charlton
24 Sam Romeo
25 Rodney Kitley
26 Megan Curtis
27 Paul Trotter
28 Zane Que
29 Jason Dowidowciz
30 Simon Strasburg
31 Michael Zentveld
32 Jayde Flanagan
33 Jarrod Lean
34 Jason Belmonte
35 Chris Viale USA
36 Lisa Que
37 Samantha Dowidowciz
38 Jane Finch
39 Ralph Harford
40 Lyn Coveny
41 Robert Coveny
42 Scott Coveny
43 Brian Pilkington
44 Kate Wilton
45 Kelly Hart
46 Jenny Walsh
47 Tony Hamilton
48 Brandon Qualichefski
49 Michelle Halprin
50 Tracey Madden
51 Shane Staehr
52 Andrew McArthur
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