Alex Winch Bowls 300 at Suncity !!!!!!

hey nudey boy

big 300 hey, did you go doing nudey cart wheels in the park out the front after it :D :D :D :D

well done mate, first is always the hardest, and i hope many more are to come, keep up the good bowling
ok man congrats but whats with these guys up there in SQ

are they on strike steroids

didnt really know these guys were actually good
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Hey Alex congrats on ya 300 :lol: . It is always hard to bowl ur 1st, i know what u went through and i know that you will have many more to come. I take it you are goig to Melbourne? Cant wait to see u again.

luv ya
hey alex

i told you it would come sooner or later and i was rite but its awesome it came sonner

you must be soo happy congrats on your first and hopefully your second wont be too far away

Bee oxox
Alex Winch bowls a 300 at Suncity

:D congratulations Big Al on ur first 300 at Suncity. Hope there is many more to come.
Hey Al, gud on ya.. hope you can bowl one of them at roll offs :lol: that wuld b awesum.... well keep it up seeya at sunset!!!!
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