ACT & Southern NSW Youth Trials


After the first 12 games of qualifying at illawarra strikezone these and the boys results. (are recieved by sms so i apologise for any errors)

Stephen Cowland 2527 - 210.6
Robert Townsend 2475 - 206.3
Chris Slattery 2423 - 201.9
Daniel Bunting 2345 - 195.4
Michael McDonald 2319 - 193.3
Andrew Blisset 2172 - 181.0
Dale Simpson 2008 - 167.3

The girls had 3 entrys and i am pretty sure they will be bowling games tomorrow with the boys.

The girls that nominated are

Samantha Fisher
Roseanne Willis
Stacey Murphy

Well done and good luck for the rest of the roll offs.
Go guys! Bout time you got up to the top Cow...
Macca pull ur finger out and do something!!! Everyone else...just bowl well!
Good Luck for tomorrow Ill be there supporting you all!!

Final Results with ALL Bowlers this time haha...

Stephen Cowland 3785 - 210
Chris Slattery 3766 - 209
Daniel Bunting 3594 - 199
Robert Townsend 3493 - 194
Michael McDonald 3439 - 191
Andrew Blisset 3389 - 188
Brad Douglas 3291 - 182
Michael Pommer 3016 - 167
Dale Simpson 2975 - 162

Final Team.
Stephen Cowland
Chris Slattery
Daniel Bunting
Robert Townsend

Congrats guys and good luck down in werribee.
Congrats ot everyone that made the team. Especially Dan Bunting, great effort mate. Good to see you achieving success on the mainland.

A hugenormous congratulations to everyone who made the team!! You guys bowled really well especially today, everyone was fighting hard...
My clapping kept Cow on top ;)
And getting one practise shot got Dan in the team...hahaha. Well Done guys and go for gold in Werribee!!

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