Act Junior state Championships


Congratulations to Brady Pirie and Deanne Church for taking out the masters today in double elimination, Deanne not loosing a match and Brady coming all the way through the losers bracket, well done to both of you.

Final Results
1st Place - Brady Pirie
2nd Place - Bobby O'Reilly
3rd Place - Marc Trulcio

1st Place - Deanne Church
2nd Place - Fiona Smydzuk
3rd Place - Kelly Young
BowlAustralia congratulate Team of Champions member Robert O'Reilly on his second place finish in the Championships. Well done Bobby - we're proud of you!
CONGRATS to Brady and Deanne for taking out the champs and also to my fee-buddy for doing so well and making 2nd :D

Good luck for state guys!
Congrats to everyone who bowled today. U were all one step ahead of me. :p who didnt even go down. LoL. But hey, all good. Once again congratrs 2 u all u guys...see ya at nsw state

Well done Brady, after you turned it on against me in the losers bracket you didn't quit and took out three of Australia's best juniors. Well done on the win.

Congrats to all who bowled.
Way to go there Deeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
All the hard work is paying off I see :wink:

Congrats to the other winners too :)
way to go LIL SIS!!!!
congrats on your first place and congrats to brady as well
as to everyone else who made a place
take care
Love Shellbs
hey pplz, just wanted to say congrates to brady and deanne... =D> =D>... its about time u did something good brady..hehehe... no just jokin. good on ya u deserved it.
see you all soon
ashxxxx :D :D :D :D :D
hey pplz, just wanted to say congrates to brady and deanne... =D> =D>... its about time u did something good brady..hehehe... no just jokin. good on ya u deserved it.
see you all soon
ashxxxx :D :D :D :D :D
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