About Virgin Blue


Vic Represent
Who ever went home after werribee youth cup via Virgin Blue can get a refund on there flight.
The airline bowed to public pressure yesterday and offered cash refunds or credit notes to anyone who missed there Flights. Anyone delayed for more than 4 hours will be offered a free flight of equal value.
Chris Castle
"anyone who missed there Flights" if they went home via virgin blue then they obviously didnt miss their flight did they? meaning they wont be getting a refund.

Well I'm just saying whats in the paper i can get a copy and even post it in hear for u if u want. But only if they missed there flights where delayed more then 4 hours i'm just speaking the truth ask any other bowler in mlebourne if the read the hearld sun cause thats what it says.
Laterz Chris
? i believe u i know that it is the case, i was pointing out incase u had misread the fact that it was only if flight was missed or delayed by 4 hours.

Its good to see that virgin are offering this instead of just saying to bad and letting it go.

One of the lucky ones

I think most people who were over for Werribee Youth were lucky enough to fly home on sunday night. I wasn't one of those, and was flying home with Virgin blue on Monday morning, about 10 past 10.

I didn't notice anything strange going at the airport when i got there about 9am, and didn't find out about this until I got home. I think my flight to Perth must have been one of, if not the last flight out of the Melbourne terminal before they were evacuated.

I count myself lucky that I wasn't stranded in Melbourne for a long period of time by myself, and feel sorry for those who did.
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