Aaron Franklin's "Unlucky" 300


Active Member
Tasmania Rachuig player, 33-year old Aaron Franklin shot 300 in the ATBSO Men vs Moonah All-Star unofficial practice tournament at Moonah Bowl this afternoon.
Franklin slotted all twelve strikes in-a-row in the Second game of the event but, due to the event not being sanctioned receives only a pin and a print-out of the score for his Lane 1-2 effort which captured the attention of the small but enthusiastic gathering.
The Moonah All-Star Team went on to win quite convincingly over the ATBSO Men but, the event was hailed a success by all who participated as a good, solid hitout for our ATBSO Teams.

Results Match 1
Paul Oakley 186 v Ted Tylutki 187
Aaron Franklin 184 v Ray Tilla 181
Jayson Griggs 185 v Wayne Glover 138
Phil Crawford 222 v John Phillips 236
Andrew Phillips 154 v Rod Radcliffe 212
Total Pinfall: ATBSO Men 954 d Moonah All-Stars 921
Total Points: ATBSO Men 5 d Moonah All-Stars 2

Results Match 2
Aaron Franklin 300 v Ted Tylutki 162
Matt Cramond 215 v Ray Tilla 190
Simon Commane 192 v John Phillips 203
Jayson Griggs 180 v Ray Youd 175
Phil Crawford 191 v Rod Radcliffe 139
Total Pinfall: Moonah All-Stars 1078 d ATBSO Men 869
Total Points: Moonah All-Stars 6 d ATBSO Men 1

Results Match 3
Aaron Franklin 247 v Ray Youd 193
Jayson Griggs 213 v Ted Tylutki 171
Andrew Phillips 179 v Wayne Glover 237
Simon Commane 182 v John Phillips 164
Matt Cramond 235 v Ray Tilla 195
Total Pinfall: Moonah All-Stars 1056 d ATBSO Men 960
Total Points: Moonah All-Stars 6 d ATBSO Men 1

Results Match 4
Aaron Franklin 183 v John Phillips 211
Andrew Phillips 205 v Ray Youd 168
Matt Cramond 220 v Wayne Glover 202
Phil Crawford 211 v Rod Radcliffe 223
Jayson Griggs 226 v Ray Tilla 233
Total Pinfall: Moonah All-Stars 1045 d ATBSO Men 1037
Total Points: Moonah All-Stars 4 d ATBSO Men 3

Results Match 5
Matt Cramond 177 v Ted Tylutki 157
Andrew Phillips 176 v John Phillips 165
Chris Commane 188 v Wayne Glover 187
Aaron Franklin 183 v Ray Tilla 192
Phil Crawford 192 v Rod Radcliffe 187
Total Pinfall: Moonah All-Stars 916 d ATBSO Men 888
Total Points: Moonah All-Stars 6 d ATBSO Men 1

Total for the event: Moonah All-Stars 24 d ATBSO Men 11

Averages: ATBSO Men
Ray Tilla: 181-190-195-233-192 for 991/5 at 198.20
John Phillips: 236-203-164-211-165 for 979/5 at 195.80
Wayne Glover: 138-237-202-187 for 764/4 at 191.00
Rod Radcliffe: 212-139-223-187 for 761/4 at 190.25
Ray Youd: 175-193-168 for 536/3 at 178.67
Ted Tylutki: 187-162-171-157 677/4 at 169.25

Averages: Moonah All-Stars
Aaron Franklin: 184-300-247-183-183 for 1097/5 at 219.40
Matt Cramond: 215-235-220-177 for 847/4 at 211.75
Phil Crawford: 222-191-212-192 for 816/4 at 204.00
Jayson Griggs: 185-180-213-226 for 804/4 at 201.00
Chris Commane: 188 for 188/1 at 188.00
Simon Commane: 192-182 for 374/2 at 187.00
Paul Oakley: 186 for 186/1 at 186.00
Andrew Phillips: 154-179-205-176 for 714/4 at 178.50
Franklin Shoots "Unlucky" 300 in Unofficial Challe

:D Once Again Well Done :D Unkle Aaron :lol:

Looks like a good practice session all around.

As always, i am sure the ATBSO teams will do Tassie proud.

Well done Aaron, even though it was not an official one, it is still a great effort.

Androo, a question, how can you say they are the worst lanes in the world.
In the Moonah team a couple of bowlers who have not bowled at Rachuig level and a junior who did not make President's Shield averaged over 200. I am not criticising these bowlers in any way, just stating the facts.
Add to that your 700 plus during the week.
What is wrong with the lanes?
Good Morning Brett.

The comment I made was the fact that Aaron bowled his 300 on lanes 1-2, which, ask anyone that has bowled on those lanes lately, have a HUGE difference in them.

While this problem doesn't occur all that often in tournaments, as more care is made to condition the lanes correctly, during league and practise they are an absolute nightmare. Even the manual for our lane machine suggests that you run the machine twice on the first lane, to ensure that it is working properly, and that everything is primed. Apparently they don't read manuals, and couple that with a backend of the lane that is warped (so it seems), you're in for an entertaining experince.

The rest of the house, as shown with the scores being shot lately, is good, maybe a bit easy, but good. The pattern is the same as what was used in the State Teams Challenge

Hope this clears up my comments.
Well done Aaron.

It might not be sanctioned, but it is still a 300. Just keep that good form going and repeat the feat in Bankstown next month. :D :D
top effort... lane 1 and 2 must have been easy! lol

PS. to all who care, this is Elliot and due to unforseable circumstances( my ex haked into my email and wont tell me the new password) i now have a new email address dude_were_is_da_bong@yahoo.com.au
Hey Ell,
Did you mean to spell where wrong because thats your Email address or just spelled it wrong in your reply?? hehehe

Good One Aaron :!: Maybe Friday nights launceston trash practice helped? ... lol.. doubt it..

ps. Androo, i noticed a difference between lane 1 & 2 at State teams challenge so I getcha :)
Congratulations on your 300 Aaron, unlucky that it wasn't sanctioned but i'm sure you will get one. Do keep up the form for nationals.

Luv Em

Well done Aaron Unlucky about not being sactioned But it's still a 300

Well once again Congrats

Good on ya M8

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