A.T.B.S.O.Q. Kedron Results 15th May 2005


Animals Distribution
Results for Kedron are attached.

Don't forget to get your CHAMPIONSHIP entry forms back to Bev by the due date - see earlier post for entry forms if needed

Can someone please explain to me how Sid Ciancio can bowl the graded division using a 173 average?

C'mon...wake up and smell the coffee.
A.T.B.S.O. Bowlers of 179 ave & under- men and 169 ave & under- ladies
may bowl in graded events
so no problem

Let me clarify my comment.

Sid Ciancio is NOT a 173 average bowler and if he's allowed to compete at that average, the tournament director should have their head examined.
Did you ever hear of a rerate?
Sid is NOT bowling that much this year W Chester, and if you bowled in Queensland your average would be lower. Sid has his good days and his bad days, but he is NOT a sandbagger. The Qld seniors can chose whether to bowl open or handicap sections, I dont believe a scratch bowler has an advantage in the handicap section up here.

Anyway, what business is it of yours? The tournament director sticks to the rules and does a damn fine job so I suggest you get back under your rock
Lefty said:
Sid has his good days and his bad days, but he is NOT a sandbagger.

Not once did Wayne suggest as much. He merely said Sid is not a 170 average bowler, which says to me that he thinks that he is a better bowler than a 170 average (its like the Milkman entering a tournament on a 140 average - sure that was his average - but he is a much better bowler than that :D).

Some people are touchy ...
the innuendo is clearly intended to suggest sandbagging is it not? Having read may of WChester's posts in the past I am in no doubt what he intended. I am not being touchy - just sticking up for another senior. ( no worries though, I expect Sid is enjoying this little exchange).
Lefty said:
I dont believe a scratch bowler has an advantage in the handicap section up here.

OK then, Would you let Frilingos, Brando, or any other of the top Qld players bowl a handicap event if they entered with a book average of 185? I certainly wouldn't if I were the TD. Doesn't matter if it's a legit average or a case of sandbagging. Protect your bowlers!

Lefty said:
Anyway, what business is it of yours? The tournament director sticks to the rules and does a damn fine job so I suggest you get back under your rock

This shows that he or she is doing a terrible job. The TD ALWAYS has the right to rerate bowlers or deny entries to keep the playing field on the level.

And as for the rock I came out from under...
Nah, never mind. LOL

Wayne Chester
MY REAL NAME..not a ficticious sign-in
The TD likely reserves the right to re rate handicaps, but as the seniors have rules and regs and the averages start from the beginning of the season and are adjusted by the number of games played I dont see a problem. I have not heard of anyone getting their average reconsidered. The Queensland seniors are trying to encourage people to stay in the game, they are not going to tolerate unfair play amongst the ranks. When George turns 50 and joins the Qld seniors, he will make his average over the required number of games like anybody else. The handicapping system was set up to be fair to all. How could we target anyone in particular, it would just not be fair. Most of us at 45+ are just keen to keep bowling, winning is not the be all and end all.

As for using my "nick" - I am not breaking any code of conduct - its a lot more entertaining seeing people's sign in names, I am just sticking up for the seniors - not inviting a personal attack
Lefty said:
When George turns 50 and joins the Qld seniors, he will make his average over the required number of games like anybody else.

Do you know something about changes to the ATBSO that the rest of us don't know ;) ??? That means I have PLENTY of years to go yet!!!!!

Broni :cool:
Actually, no, I don't know anything concrete.....but there have been rumours!!!
bm2 said:
Do you know something about changes to the ATBSO that the rest of us don't know ;) ??? That means I have PLENTY of years to go yet!!!!!

Broni :cool:
Yeah, you're gonna need a Seniors card Broni. Looks like it's over 60 now mate so you will be carrying bags and makin' sandwiches for a while yet ;)

And well done at Kedron Sid. One of those good days people sometimes enjoy.


Ah, yes Reg, am a dab hand at carrying the bags and the drinks, not to mention chief scorekeeper for the aged pensioner, but the big question remains : if I have to wait til I'm 60, will we still have bowling as we know it now, after all, 60 is SUCH A LONG WAY AWAY for me!!! ;)

Broni (still under 45) Morgan :cool:
Who said anything about changing the age qualification to 60!! Not to worry Bronnie, your day will come, it will be a whole new scene by then. Maybe the 60+ age group will have their own division by then. Perhaps we will be "Super Seniors" with extra handicap for those suffering alzheimers. Maybe we will be allowed walking sticks on the lanes, or zimmers. And maybe, if we are very very lucky, Wayne Chester will be our tournament director
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