A night at the Dogs - come along for some fun!


Hi everyone,
On Thursday 7th September we are holding a major fundraising evening at Angle Park to benefit all SA State Teams - Shield, Youth, De Veer, Rachuig.
What is it? A night at the Dogs - Major Fundraising Event. 11 Races sponsored by local business who are supporting our state teams. You could even get to see the "Rachuig Classic"! Come along and see for yourself!
When? Thursday 7th September
Where? Angle Park
How much? $27-50 per person.
What will you get? Entry into Angle Park, Race Book, All You Can Eat Smorgasboard dinner in "Chasers Restaurant" as well as a night of Top Class Greyhound Racing.
Time? Restaurant opens 6pm / First Race 6:45pm
If you would like to come along please contact me (PM me via this site) or any of the above state team members / coordinators.
Please join us, have some fun and at the same time support your state bowlers.
PS - If you are a business owner and would like to sponsor a race which includes naming rights, details in all racing publications (TAB Guide, TAB Agency Sheets, Race Book, The Advertiser etc) as well as Sky Channel exposure, TAB Radio exposure plus more - We are asking for a small investemen of $275, a small price for National Exposure! Please contact me to discuss further details.
That is a great idea Jo, well done,

I hope you raise alot of needed funds for all teams involved.
You gonna come Kellie? I'll chuck in free accommodation for ya!!;)

Maybe you could convince Jase into sponsoring the - Totalbowling.com.au Dash - or something!! :D
Thanks very much Jo......

What would that penalty cost me....;)

Looking at flights.....:confused:
Jase said:
Thanks very much Jo......
What would that penalty cost me....;)
Looking at flights.....:confused:

Penalty .... Investment is the word I like! A mere $275, are you in? :D That's all we ask, if you wanted to penalise yourself with betting on the race, well that's a different story!
On behalf of all SA Teams - Thankyou Max for your support it is appreciated. Should be a great night, it would be fantastic if we can get lots of "bowling related" sponsors to promote bowling as well as raise funds.

Thanks again Max.

Details sent to you via Email.


JoSpencer said:
Jase, we usually only offer this as a part of our Gold Sponsorship package but I'm sure we could arrange something. ;)


Put Totalbowling down to sponsor TWO RACES on the Night.....

Can i get the rights to the feature Race......;)

Looks like alot of Fun...... Maybe TBA could chip in for a Race to hey.... Any advertising of Bowling on TAB or SKY Channel has to be a good thing.

I think this is a great idea.....

Actually i think anything to do with having a punt is a good thing...;)

THANK YOU - this is more than we could expect. I'll see what i can do about the feature race.

Thanks so much for your support. Bowlers all around Australia, visit your local TAB, Tune into the races via Sky / Tab Radio on Thursday 7th September!!!

Great Stuff - Thank you

Des, Brenton, Jase, Max
This response has just been fantastic, it's much more than I expected.
Your support of our teams is very much appreciated.
Thank you!
Have a great night tonight Guys,
Sorry i couldn't get down for the event...
I am sure it will be a blast... Any raffles running????

Max i am sure you will have a couple of drinks for us while you are there...

Well done Jo on another well organised event and well done to all involved who supported the races.
Hi Jase , it will be a fantastic night I am sure of it! and thanks again for your support of the state teams here in SA.
In fact thanks to all race sponsors ... Hillmark Industries , Fishing tackle , Tony's driving school , Totalbowling , Atticus management(Des Wragg) , Denver sporting, Bowling Balls australia , and TAB .

cheers, your support is much appreciated by all our teams.

Thanks again to all
Thank you to everyone who supported our "Night at the Dogs".

We had over 100 people attend and it looked like everyone was having an enjoyable night. Not sure that many of us would have walked out with money in our pockets but it was fun anyway! ;)

Thanks to Tracy Howie for all the work put in for this fundraiser (as usual)!

And sincere thanks to all our sponsors -

Race 1 - Hillmark Steelkleen Stake, Race 2 - SA TAB "Back your judgement", Race 3 - 2006 Walter De Veer Restricted Challenge Team, Race 4 - The Sportfishing Scene, Race 5 - Spot on Fishing Tackle, Race 6 - Bowling Balls Australia, Race 7 - Totalbowling.com.au, Race 8 - Totalbowling.com.au, Race 9 - Denver Professional Bowling Products, Race 10 - Atticus Management, Race 11 - Courtesy Driving School.

Without your generous support and sponsorship this night would not have been successful - Thank you again!

We are hoping to make this into an annual event so look out for the details next year!



It was Denvers pleasure to assist the team. Both Al and myself (and Shelley) had a great night and I hope this happens again next year. I am sure we can support it again. Congrats on a real worthwhile fundraising idea.

Brenton & Al
Denver Sporting Dist P/L

On edit: Shelley and I walked out a "little" in front on the night, amazing what a trifecta or 2 can achieve and one long shot.
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