$60 Comp's Love'm


Active Member
Is it me or do we all love the this price for a comp?

I think we do as it's value for money...........
And we turn up ................

AMF Vic tournament the worst thing about it is the entry cost nothing else i realy hope it work's but cost will keep lot's away!!!!!


PS How come NSW had $ 40,000 and we have none?
I agree with you Gary, we all love $60.00 entry fees, but if you want something back for your $60.00 someone has to put money in because sponsors are hard to find and you need to realise that.

The tournaments that have small entry fees are usually the ones that allow multiple qualifying, but still rely on lots of bowlers turning up to increase the payout pool. AMF and many other centres throughout the country have been running No-Tap type tournaments where there is only one winner nationally. These types of tournaments are also popular overseas, but they still rely on a lot of bowlers participating.

Tournament bowlers look for competition, and they look for a return on their investment, winning $200.00 for an outlay of $60.00 is not always worth the effort, because second place only ever gets about $120.00 and the rest of the field barely gets anything.

The Victorian Grand Prix Circuit is catering to the many competitive bowlers in Victoria who are scratch bowlers, that may only be 100 or so, but that is what we are catering too.

The entry fee is based on the payout and amount of games, having asked many bowlers personally the majority agree it is a fair price.

I hope one day we will be able to bowl for $1500.00 and only have to pay $60.00 to enter, but I don't think there is a sponsor out there that will put the money in!!

Patrick Birtig
Yes Pat I do agree but for the family guy who may only bowl once a week these tournys are not only a chance to have a bit of competition but practice as well ......thats why many bowlers attend the majors here in vic one or two a year as the entry is so high....There is a big difference between $60.00 to $180.00 to lose ....If you lose $60.00 most go ok !!!! If you lose $ 180.00 DAM...With the payout a lot greater which will attract the better bowlers who will take the bulk of the prize pool every time...You say they wont get more bowlers as the prize fund is not worth their time ...I think if nothing else is on most of the better bowlers in the area would turn up .The two that I have been in were of reasonable standard as far as scoring goes ....How about the entry around $80.00 with the odd one up to $120.00 then numbers would be better ??? ...................renta
Nice point's Renta i may have bowled this weekend but work forbid's, but if it was cheaper maybe i would have given up sleep but it is $200 lot of dosh.
MTOBV started to fold because ( in my time ) because cost got over $100 bowler's can only spend so much, u have a family u have lot's comitment's, what can we do not sure.


Ps. No answer still why N.S.W. got $40,000 thrown at them silly bugger's did not turn up i bet we would come throw it i'm sure we will catch it.:D
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