$500 Incentive Mentone Bowl Wed Super League!!!


Active Member
With just 2 weeks until the start of the new season of the Wednesday Super League
Mentone Bowl is offering bowlers a
$500 Cash Incentive.

That works out to just over 19 weeks of League Bowling!
If you haven't bowled in the Super League last season and you enter a team of 4 bowlers into the new season starting on the 15th of May.

You will win $500 CASH!! (per new team)

NB (all 4 bowlers in the team must not have bowled in the Super League last season)
Apart from this incentive, the League is a great competitive league and bowlers play for some good money considering it only runs for 30 odd weeks.

You must call Warren on 9583 1244 to enter your team and to be eligible for the $500 Cash.
One extra team so far has taken up the $500 Bonus!
Only 4 team spots remaining.
Super League starts Week One next Wednesday.
16 Teams so far.
Looking for a great 4 person team league PLUS earn yourself $500 just by entering a Team?
Then just contact me on 9583 1244 or post here on TB.
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