
  • Thread starter USABowlerPennsylvania
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Hey everyone,
Just wondering how many 300's (besides Derrick and Nerang) that everyne has racked up. 8) I personally have 1 in league and 9 others in match, open, and skin games.

Hey Levi,
Dont worry, you will get there! Dont give up! It just takes a tremendous amount of concentration before you can even get to the physical level to throw one. Hell, some people get lucky and thats when you only see a person getting 1 or two a year. Getting 10 isnt too bad but 9 were in open play which pisses me off when i think about it. But their all the same.
Ohh ive been there, the totally suck bit is i either throw too much hand, or too much ball speed on the shot :p Have you thrown any on the sports condition? or something with flat oil that is atleast 35 feet? Im not worried, i dont care if i dont throw one, i was having a laugh at my missfortunes though :D
... personally i havent bowled a 300 .. ive never bin near it :oops: :roll: ... BUT yesterday MATT SIMPSON was at sun city and he bowled a boooooootiful 299..... his last shot was nicebut he pushed it a lil to far out and the ball didnt come high enough and the 7 pin just wobled.... but for the 3 game block he bowl 280 202 299 :O thats a 781 over 3 ... what a lil champ... congrats matt.... now ur sisters not the only one to bowl a 299 :D
I've bowled one in my 5 years or so of bowling. It was in league late last year after I had decided to give competition bowling away.
Hey Everyone

Well Levi, i ahve never shot one on sport, my best on sport is a 267, and im tellin ya, it was 42 feet!!! I dont know how i did it so there would be no point in asking ey. HAHA. :p Who knows, the oil out here is prolly totally different from the patterns out there, so i will soon find out :lol: hmmmmmm, all good. I jsut want some freindly competition, hehe. 300's are not the game of bowling, but shooting one is a great feeling. That has opened the gate to my wonderful series. Take care all.
top this my best is only 236 at redcliffe and redcliffe has the rep of having harsh lane conditions (you never know what you are going to get til you start bowling and they change the condition everyday). Oh yeah Timmee i don't think you'll get close to a 300 well TTFN :!: :mrgreen:
I had 10 in a row there this year Denish. What's your best :?: :?: That was for a 268 at Redcliffe which you called tough. I have also had a 249 there this year (at Redcliffe). :!:
how many times a week do you bowl at redcliffe you only know what it is like on a Monday which is usaully most of the times half decent not like on any other days!
remember Timmee before we went to Sydney for the nationals you bowled absoluty shocking games and a 12 year kid got a higher score than you (and me as well)!
im trying not to bud into other people's business here but for god sake danish pastry wil you let up on timmee and just stop bagging the kid out. encouragement is what's needed in this sport not discouragement, if you don't want to say any thing good to him or about him then just shut up and say nothing at all or for that matter if you want to say something to hom just do it on the lanes by beating him or what ever it may be. leave it to the lanes to do the talking for you.
jace man, chill out... by the looks of it they bowl together and they know how each other fairs in bowling. I fthey bag each other its coz they know each other so i say let them do it... its called friendly critisism...

oh i have bowled 1 300 outta league and a 298 in league

always 3rd,
i heard those nasty 5 pins can be left at Cabolture :!:
adrian dude I don't care what gripe those two have with each ther that's fine, but all I am saying is to stop all tis sorta bull crap and leave it on the lanes, the site doesn't need this sort of negative out look on it, it doesn't look good for people thinking of signing up to tb or starting bowling altogether if people come here bagging the living crap out of some one for not being as good as some one else or other things. I am just sick of seeing s**t like this all the time, I don't care if it's in good humour and just friendly ripping but this is starting get to the stage of being a personal attack. that's all my gripe with it is.
I'm all cool bruv lol
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