300's with plastic??


New Member
after reading about Gary Bernardin shooting 300 last weekend and the talk about him shooting a 300 with plastic. i got to wondering how many 300's have been bowled with plastic?

GB makes 1 and i think drewy might have 1 with plastic anyone else now of any?
I read something on here once about someon bowling a 900 (over 3) with a plastic, there was alot of contraversy over it however, as in weather it was sanctioned or not...also belive it was during a pre bowl for league...not sure though
his name was glenn allison

bowled 900 with a columbia yellow dot

yellow dots were reknowned for being softer than the 72 on the "d" scale

that was about 1980
August 2004

Luka Baricevic

Lane 19 & 20 Keon Park Bowl

300 with a 14 Pound House Ball (Green) conventional grip

House shoes

And straight down the guts flush.

Ya gotta love this game.

Now where can i buy one of those green house balls

I know Gaving Hawkes bowled a 300 at Moonah with one of the old purple 14lb house balls with a conventional grip, and GUS (Hayden George) shot a sanctioned 300 with a houseball at Launceston.

Greg Richardson shot 300 here in 89? with a Yellow Dot, and Sally Golding shot one with a 12lb Strikeline.... hehe
androooo said:
Greg Richardson shot 300 here in 89? with a Yellow Dot, and Sally Golding shot one with a 12lb Strikeline.... hehe

Close, Greg's was 1992, and Sally Golding shot the perfect game a week before Greg's. Asked about that amazing 300 game by Sally Golding, Sally said "it was the only time I'd hit the headpin all twelve shots in the same game" :lol:
Speaking of Greg, has anyone ever seen him since he quit bowling, he was a really good bloke.

Not a 300 I know, but in 1996 Norm Green recorded the only sanctioned 800/3 set in the entire history of Moonah Bowl (42-years) with an old rubber houseball made in about 1965, still has that ball and occasionally still uses it to this day.
Jim Ferguson held the record for Oz 300's for ages, with 8 from memory - mostly with his green white dot?
I know Carl Bottomley Bowled 300 with a Blue Dot at Clayfield, I think it was in the wednesday night peterson singles league.
300 with Plastic

Thats the day when you had to bowl the ball to shoot a 300. Hit your target consistently. They are the real 300's.
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