300 games.....


Ducati 851

Is it just me or does there seem to be an excessively large amount of 300's being bowled Australia wide?

I havent been keeping up with too much bowling news lately, with my training schedule for work but I noticed there seems to be an emormous amount rolled over the past 2 week.

Whatever some of you guys are smoking...please do share.
ive got ADF Nationals coming up, I'm sure a few 300's would be nice.
What used to be a 258 game has now become a 300

They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.
What used to be a 258 game has now become a 300
They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.

There is some truth to that.....

Although I am one of those that have shot a 300 in the last week, I felt I had shot other games that were more deserving.

Plus....the area is so big these days!
Please. I know what really means very little in actuality these days.
That's unnecessary and insulting.

A perfect game is still a perfect game.
always a proud moment for a bowler, and a great spectacle for those watching.

Personally the closest I have managed was a 299 late last year.. I was pretty gutted that i choked.. And still hope to get the magic 300 one day.

Id agree there are more thrown now than their used to be, but i guess with better equipment and lane conditions bowlers are achieving better results.
They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.

That's a horrible thing to say, to some people they mean everything, especially when their yet unfulfilled number one goal in bowling is to bowl a perfect game. Either keep this crap to yourself or find somewhere else to post it, seriously.
That's a horrible thing to say, to some people they mean everything, especially when their yet unfulfilled number one goal in bowling is to bowl a perfect game. Either keep this crap to yourself or find somewhere else to post it, seriously.

Here Here thats right

yes there has been an increase in amount bowled etc but some ppl are still t oachieve what they call their dream , i myself have yet having choked on 9 but doesnt mena i dont want one

equipment etc has improved notably
What used to be a 258 game has now become a 300
They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.

Wayne first thing I will say is, I along with a lot of other people are really getting sick of your comments knocking things that are posted on this site.
To me the way you come across is, you have done everything there is in bowling, and you think because you bowled PBA you know everything, I don’t doubt that you know about this great game of ours but I keep looking through squad listings in Australian tournaments and I can only come up with 1 tournament that you have bowled in, which the result says a lot. You may have bowled more and I just haven’t looked hard enough, but you have so much to say on so many issues for someone that doesn’t even bowl anything.

Anyone that bowls there first 300 game is so excited and it means the world to them, sure when you hit 10 or more, it might not mean as much but I am sure the bowler would still get nervous just like they did when they threw their first.

You think a bowlers first 300 means Jack go read this thread
post number 15 and you tell me that his 300 didn’t mean anything to him.

This is my thoughts and I know you will reply Wayne we all know you have the last word.

They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.

Look at your Avatar... if they don't mean much, why go to the trouble of letting people know you've bowled one?

The Totalbowling Hypocrite Award for 2008 goes to... Wayne Chester!
So what's the big deal if there are more? I have a 300 game - I am on the 'wall' at Caboolture Bowl and regardless of how many others are there, it feels great when someone says 'I see you are up there'. And YES, the new equipment probably made it happen, BUT I still had to bowl it.

At the Redcliffe Twin Tour last weekend, I saw a young man bowl his very first - his emotion, wobbly knees and excitement meant so much and his NANNA was crying her heart out with pride. I also saw another one bowled by a young man who has had many and you just try to tell me that it meant nothing to him !!! Even 'old farts' like Mr. H. Fryer surely still get their kicks from the satisfaction of bowling a 300.

Just had to add this . As a bowler in search of the perfect game it in no way will diminish the feeling of the moment if and when it happens . Not everyone who rolls a game gets a perfect score and , even if there are more now that just means to me that it is more probable than possible . If you got em and really feel they are unimportant then maybe it's time you found a new challenge in life . I still strive for perfection and if it can be done participating in a sport i love then all the better .
What used to be a 258 game has now become a 300
They're nice to have, but in actuality they mean very little.

In actuality it's only 12 strikes, but its what those 12 strikes entail that's so special. It may mean very little when the 12 are shared over 2 games, but thats a completely different mentality to bowling a perfect game.

Besides, it's a bit hard to say what used to be a 258 game is now a 300, if this was the case I should have about 20 or 30 300's by now.
I'm sure what Wayne meant to say, is that they are easier to achieve now than they ever have, courtesy of the centres spoiling us with easier conditions and science improving the equipment.

Certainly I, and I'm sure others, are far more impressed by a bowler bowling a perfect game even just ten years ago.

I can think of a half a dozen 300's I have seen in league the last few years, of various quality. Ten years ago you hardly even saw 270+'s...

Not to be taking away anything from anyone who throws them now, you probably put in twelve good shots and earned it (a good friend of mine will read this and remember crossing the headpin no less than SIX times in his last 300...).

And Wayne, you've gotta be more politic in your phrases mate... Can't be an effective potential TBA chair without the support of the interested bowlers which this forum must represent nearly all of...
To say a 300 means very little is about the most pathetic comment i have read on this site EVER!!!

It took me nearly 20 years from the time i 1st picked up a ball in a junior league till 2006 to bowl my 1st and only 300 game. It is THE personal pinnacle of achievement in this game we all love. Wether you have a 150 avg or 230 avg, wether you have been bowling 1 minute or 100 years the feeling and sense of achievement is still the same, even if you have a dozen or its your 1st, to actually bowl 1, the feeling is unbelievable.

I cannot believe Wayne Chester, you have the guile to say such crap here. You are a total moron!!!!!!!! I believe you should be banned from this site indefinately until you post a retraction to your comments as it has offended not only every bowler to roll a perfect game , but also almost all that aspire to do the same, and thats about every bowler in this country and anywhere else for that matter.

Just my opinion.
Agree with you Jeff... I read Waynes comments as being a personal opinion. I wonder what the opinion is of those bowlers who have bowled say 5x 300's to those bowlers who have bowled more. (say 10x 300's) I think that todays conditions and ball technology has helped scoring to what it was 10 yrs ago.
For me a 300 would be nice, a 3/800 would be real nice but a major would be better!!

I understand where you're coming from Wayne, no offense here!!
I can understand where everyone is coming from. Yes, you should still be proud of shooting a 300 game. For many, it's still a once in a lifetime accomplishment. Something that can never be topped, as 300 is still the highest possible score. But please put in some perspective. Many 300's are not the result of a skilled player having a great night, or a once in a lifetime bit of luck. What this sport has become, is a game of being in the right place at the right time with the right ball. No need to bowl a hundred games a week for year and years, honing your skills until you can repeat shots better that the next guy. In today's bowling, you only need to have a fair amount of 'hand' or the latest and greatest reactive resin bowling ball, and leave the rest up to you local bowling alley proprietor/technician, who ultimately decides whether or not the lanes are conducive to high scoring.

In the 20 year period 1963 through 1982 there were a total of 54 recognised 300 games bowled in Australia.

Since the arrival of wickless oiling technology in Australia, in the period of 8 years spanning 1999-2007 over 1,700 recognised 300 games were bowled in Australia

Who is to blame for this disintegration of our "sport" The answer is simple. EVERYONE!
I am, you are, your proprietor is, your technician is, The Kegel Company is, Brunswick, AMF, Columbia, Track....every last company, organisation and person involved in bowling is equally responsible for this travesty.

Unfortunately it's too late to revert back to the "good old days", But let's not dismiss the history of this sport by saying a 300 is a 300 is a 300. Because deep down inside, we should all understand that it's a different, much easier game that we play today. One that is exponentially different than the sport that the pioneers of bowling played many years ago.
Once again Wayne if you had have written it right the first time instead of spanking off the way you do, there would be less thrown back at you.:confused:

Or maybe that is what you like to happen, bit of A.D.D.

To change the subject of berating eachother, its nice to see the older guys like Ray Tilla from Tasmania, the great Chown family's Paul Chown from Queensland, and even the most recent members of NSW's Rachuig Team, Christian Purdue and Andrew Lloyd are still hitting their mark.
I don'tcare who you are or what you do, you still need a good steady mind, a great swing and off you go. To keep 12 balls hitting 10 pins is a nervous feat to overcome. I dont care if you've hit 10, 20 or 30 300s, its still going to affect your mind when you bowl them.
Sure the equipment of today is more advanced, but someone has to throw the ball, and that someone deserves those 300s.
i have not bowled one yet after 27 years of bowling and would dearly love one before i retire i feel down when i see so many bowled and i have not a 300 yet so in ending this post i think that guys lost the plot
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