2013 NSW Ebonite Sport Series


Staff member
Hey everyone,

Finally we are happy to announce the dates and venues for this years upcoming Sport Series events.

Sunday 17th March AMF Blacktown
Sunday 12th May AMF Rooty Hill RSL
Sunday 7th July AMF Blacktown
Sunday 18th August AMF Blacktown
Sunday 22nd September AMF Rooty Hill RSL
Sunday 23rd November AMF Rooty Hill RSL

The first major change is that we are only using two centres this year. This move is combined by the fact that we will be laying 3 oil patterns (a short, medium and long) for the year, once at each centre. The idea behind this move is to give all our bowlers a chance to learn and improve for the next time they encounter that same pattern. Also, we are hoping that the different lane Surfaces at Blacktown and Rooty Hill will be able to show many tournament bowlers the affect that lane surface can have on ball reaction.

We'll be taking entries via Totalbowling and our Facebook page (search for NSW Ebonite Sport Series, or ask me to add you in if not already in there).

We'll also be making some new shirts for the series this year, more information to come regarding this very soon!

Again, thanks to Glenn Rowland from Ebonite, and Matt Whitten from AMF for their continued support. The series wouldn't be where it is without them.

Cheers, Stephen and John
All sounds good for this year. Please put me down for the march one and see you there if not before.
Thanks for all your work you put in to organise the series.
Cheers, Ross.
Am about to create another thread for entries for the first event. I'll take the few that have put their names down here so far.

Also, the last date is still likely to change, as it currently collides with the Hobart Cup. It will *MOST LIKELY* be the 17th of November (which is actually a Sunday, unlike the 23rd. I majorly messed up my November!). Will confirm for everyone ASAP.

Cheers, Cow
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