2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships


Well-Known Member
The 2011 NSW Junior Youth Champs are being held at Tenpin City Bowl Lidcombe, over two weekends, 12th & 13th and 19th & 20th February.

This tournament is open to all TBA registered junior bowlers (U/18 as at 1/1/2011), queries leagae@bigpond.com.

Please find the entry form attached.

NSW JY Committee


  • 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships entry form.pdf
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Just a reminder for the 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships being held at Tenpin City Lidcombe - squads are filling up

You can email your entries or post, info on form, attached

Change to the masters qualifying - best score across singles and doubles (not just singles as previously posted)

Any queries: 0418 889 888

Tournament Team


  • 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships.pdf
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Any bowlers wishing to compete at these state championships, and need partner for doubles/trios etc, you can email the tournament secretary for assistance - afoo1@bigpond.com or 0418 889 888

Current squad availability:
Sat 12th
8.30 - all
10.30 - singles only
12.30 - all
3.00 - all
5.00 - Youth squad

Sat 19th
8.30 - all
10.30 - singles only
12.30 - singles only
3.00 - all

Hotting up to be a great event with thanks to Tenpin City Bowl for sponsorship of junior bowling in NSW.

Get your entries in!!

Any queries: leagae@bigpond.com or 0418 889 888

Tournament Team


  • 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships.pdf
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The 2011 NSW JY Champs are getting closer, if you want to add your name you can contact the Secretary Dianne Foo: afoo1@bigpond.com or 0414 995672

If you have no partners to bowl with we will pair / trio you with other bowlers, entry numbers are looking good for a great event.

A reminder to all juniors and youth wishing to roll off for their state teams - juniors must bowl an all events at this championships and youth must bowl the qualifying (3 singles squads) on Saturday 12th Feb. These are TBA criteria for representing your state and national team selection.

Thank you to:
Tenpin City for donating two balls for the "King & Queen" roll off and presentation on Sat 12th, approx 2.30 pm
Junior STBA committee for supporting the Challenge Shield on Sat 19th approx 4.00pm

Also the NSW Junior Youth Awards and Challenge Shield presentation will be approx 7.00pm on Saturday 19th.

Nomination forms for bowlers wishing to attend the NSW Development Camp are available during the tournament, more info shortly.

Tournament Manager: Leanne Triulcio 0418 889 888 or leagae@bigpond.com

NSW JY Committee


  • 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships.pdf
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Squads are nearly full for the first Saturday 12th, if you want to enter please contact secretary afoo1@bigpond.com or leagae@bigpond.com.

Great U/23 Cup qualifying lineup will see some strong competition - including defending champions from 2010, Sarah-Anita McRae and Scott Robertson.
A reminder to all youth wishing to roll off for the 2012 NSW Youth Team, you must participate in your state championships this weekend.

Most of the graded bowlers across the state are bowling this Saturday and aiming for the NSW Graded Masters held on Sunday morning. The Intercentre Challenge will not be running and the 5.00 squad has been opened up for all entries.

Next weekend, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th has the state teams from NNSW, SNSW and ACT bowling with other classic and open grade bowlers.

The action will finish with the NSW Shield Challenge starting 4.30 on Saturday - great entertainment with the state rivalry and a combined Secretary's Team from other interested bowlers.

For more info: Leanne 0418 889 888 or leagae@bigpond.com

Tournament Team
Busy day at the bowl with fantastic 300 bowled by Mark Toonen !!! congrats

Well done to the "King' and 'Queen" Roff off where Mitch Mitchell and Sarah Terry each won a $250 voucher for Storm equipment, courtesy of Tenpin City Bowl - many thanks for supporting Junior bowling in NSW.

The Graded Masters and U23 Cup kicks off at 9.00 and 9.30 respectively tommorrow morning, qualifiers attached.

Tournament Team

Graded Masters Qualifiers
Shanita Clark
Rachel Pearce
Jessica Fairley
Haley Paton
Amy Toonen
Alannah Dodd
Emily Johnston
Tyarn Clark
1st Res: Corrina Upston
2nd Res: Chloe Traynor

Josh Perrett
Daniel Taylor
Harrison Mears
Shaun Vidler
Josh Bassett
Aaron House
Daniel Shellack
Luke Bassett
Results and current standings

Big thank you to all the bowlers and parents for a great two days at Tenpin City Bowl. Results attached



  • 2011 NSW JY Champs - 12th and 13th.pdf
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very proud of my sons achievement on the weekend bowling a perfect game of 300,u have worked really hard to get this score an u deserve the results,keep up the work for more of these :)
Please find attached interim standings for the singles / doubles and trios.

The NSW JY Committee is proactive in the development of our junior bowlers and the 2011 NSW Junior Development Camp is being held on May 7th & 8th for all Intermediate level bowlers (approx 150+ current avg), the NSW Advanced Camp for all state team members and identified talent will be held on July 30th & 31st.

An application form is attached for bowlers interested to attend the Dev Camp - information for all JY Development can be sort from either Leanne Triulcio (in tournament Room), Eric Jang as Coach and Program Manager, or Dennis Rigney Coach.

Novice Clinics are being organised in liaison with Centre coaches throughout the year.

JY Committee


  • NSW JY Championships - interim standings.txt
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  • 2011 NSW JY - development squad application.pdf
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Congratulations to the winners of the Classic Open - Josh Button and Emily Rigney. (scores attached)

Also the 2011 Open Masters Champions - Sarah-Anita McRae and Tristan Foo.

More results to follow


  • NSW Junior Youth Championships - results.pdf
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(This is my first post)

Will there be any photos of the shield challenge on the net any time soon?

Results and photos from NSW Junior Youth Championships


  • 2011 NSW U23 CUP- results photos.pdf
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  • 2011 NSW Graded Masters - results photos.pdf
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  • 2011 NSW Classic Masters - results photos.pdf
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  • 2011 NSW Open Masters - results photos.pdf
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  • 2011 NSW Challenge Shield - results photos.pdf
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  • 2011 NSW Junior Youth Championships results.pdf
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  • 2010 NSW Junior Youth Awards.pdf
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very proud of my sons achievement on the weekend bowling a perfect game of 300,u have worked really hard to get this score an u deserve the results,keep up the work for more of these :)

Well done Mark, hard work pays off. The last 3 balls were so solid you couldn't miss. It was a pleasure to watch.

Re: 2011 NSW Junior Classic Master

Well done to Emily Rigney winning her first Masters, what a final 2 games to watch between you and Kate Bowen. Only 10 pins the difference but you kept going.

Congratulations to both girls.


;) well done to emily for her achievement on coming first,also kaitlyn bowen second place.nnsw have some great bowlers lets see them do us proud at nationals.GO NNSW.
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