2011/12 ACT Tenpin Bowling Assoc. AGM


Code and Scoring Guru

The next Annual General Meeting of the ACT Tenpin Bowling Association will be held in February 2012. More information will be released shortly. Nominations will be sought for the positions of, President, Vice, Secretary, Treasurer, Disabilities Co-ordinator, and Development Officer. Please note the Development Officer role *may* be removed if our grant funding is successful and the membership votes that way, as the duties will possibly transition to a new paid part time position with oversight transferring to the Vice President. We will know about the grant funding prior to this AGM, so the above plan will be known in proposal form when nominations close.
Hi All,

Details of the AGM are attached as well as Board Nomination and Notice of Motions.

Andrew Campbell
ACTTBA Treasurer


  • ACTTBA AGM Notice 2012.pdf
    74.8 KB · Views: 40
  • ACTTBA AGM Board Nomination-1 - 2012.pdf
    71.1 KB · Views: 17
  • ACTTBA blank Notice of Motion-1 - 2012.pdf
    57.5 KB · Views: 12
Apologies for the delay, we've had way more exciting things to chase down lately.

Nominations and Notices have closed for this AGM. The only position under contest is that of Vice President, where incumbent Gayle Shoesmith and Deb Staier have both been nominated.

The remaining positions will be filled uncontested. I am the only nomination for President, Andrew Campbell the only for Treasurer, Tina Hohmuth for Secretary, Michael Cooke for Disabilities.

The position of Development Officer will be filled from the floor if interested parties are present, otherwise it will be filled at my discretion at a later time if necessary.

ACT Sport and Rec have finally made grants announcements and I can therefore finally publicly announce that we've secured an additional $15,000 from the government to run a $40,000 project aimed at bringing bowling to Disabilities and Seniors in 2012. AMF have committed a further $5,000 cash and almost $5,000 more in discounts, TBA have provided significant support and assistance, as well as COTA and Special Olympics. The remaining dollars will be generated by the program itself.

This program does include a resource to run it, and discussions are underway with AMF to see if there's a mutually beneficial way we can share some costs of this resource and its goals.

As far as notices and general business goes;
1. Treasurers position to be paid. This is already permitted under the constitution, up to an amount agreed at an AGM. We need to discuss the amount ($0, if the decision is not to support it)
2. No two members of one family to hold positions on the board. The constitution currently specifies that no two family members should be signatories to the bank account, but doesn't specify board positions.
3. The management team for ACT's representative contingent to TBA Nationals needs to be set. This is more of a board matter than the AGM though.

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