2009 NNSW President Shield


NNSW P/Shield Committee
Please note that we are looking at having the NNSW President Shield roll-offs on 15-16 November 2008.

I ask for any comments by Monday 25 August so we can organise the centre.

Simon Calder
NNSW Interim President Shield Sub-Committee
Hi Simon,

I think that may clash with the Mid Country / Country Challenge State finals, which several potential team members may be required to play in. Just so you know how it works the players need to play a certain number of games to qualify if thier team makes the finals. This means that at this short notice they will not be able to replace these junior bowlers and have replacement players qualify for the final as there are not enough rounds left to do so.


Thank you for your reply. I am aware of the clash and am looking at alternate dates. Do you have any suggestions as the calendar is very full and I am also trying to avoid the HSC.

Hi all

Can anyone please let me know if the Sydney Intercentre Cup involves teams from the Northern NSW zone. I am trying to set a date for the Shield roll-offs and understand the difficulties it will cause for a number of Country Challenge teams if we proceed with the 15-16 November. However, if we go for the weekend after will the juniors who complete in Country Challenge be able to make/afford the roll-offs the following weekend.

Can people please let me know by tomorrow night as I have to set a date ASAP.

Simon Calder
NNSW Interim President Shield Sub-Committee
Dates for the Northern NSW President Shield Roll-Offs have now be set. They are 22-23 November 2008.
The venue will be announced very soon and the entry forms will be also distributed shortly.
Any questions please contact me.
There will be a problem with 29-30 Nov as it is the final round of the Goldpin Junior/Youth Circuit. It is being bowled at Mayfield and would include some of he bowlers who are rolling off. My son has bowled 2 rounds and is bowling Sydney cup for the third round and will need to bowl Mayfield as they take the scores from 4 rounds to declare winners.
I am currently working with the tournament committee for the Goldpin event to have this included as part of the roll-off. I should be able to post final format in the next couple of days.
I am aware of the commitment to the tournaments and the roll-offs will not effect any bowlers participation.
The dates for the Northern NSW President Shield trails will be 29-30 November 2008. We have chosen these dates because the trails will include the Goldpin Youth/Junior Tournament in Newcastle on Sunday 30 November.
The format will be 8 games on Saturday 29 November, at a venue TBA, and the Goldpin Youth/Junior Tournament at Mayfield Bowl. We have decided to do the roll-offs this way to keep the cost down to parents. We understand that this is a large area and people have to travel long distance to compete. Incorporating the Goldpin tournament will help manage the cost of President Shield.
I also appreciate that the dates have changed a number of times but unfortunately the published calendars are not up to date so I can only work on what is available and then address issues as they arise.
Finally the venue on the Saturday part of the roll-off, the cost and entry form will be available shortly. Any questions please contact me.
I have sent out a newsletter with information about the Northern NSW President Shield roll-off for 2009.
The format will be 8 games on Saturday 29 November (venue TBA) and the Newcastle Junior Cup (8 games). Making the roll-offs 16 games and the cost $190, this includes a $50 nomination fee and the cost of the Newcastle Junior Cup.
The second center should be know be the end of the week and the form can then be sent to TBA for accreditation.
If you have not received the newsletter please contact me so I can email it to you. Also the form can be view on the TBA website.
Hey simon i bowled off for southern nsw team and didnt make it. is there any chance i am able to roll-off for nnsw or not. or do i have to fill in a draft form. thanks
The event you participated in was NSW Youth Roll Off, President Shield is a junior event.
Rapid Fire 300
If you live in the Northern NSW zone and Leanne is right the roll-off was for the NSW Youth team then you can roll off.
Maybe you should send me you details so I can contact you to discuss.
We are please to announce that James McGinty has been appointed Head Coach of the Northern NSW President Shield team.
We also are pleased to announce that the first day of President Shield trials will be at Warner's Bay Tenpin Bowl. The form is with TBA for accreditation but the cost will not change from the newsletter.
The nomination form for the 2009 Northern NSW President Shield team is now available. It will be send to all centres and I have emailed to everybody who I have email addresses for, if you have not received please let me know your email address and I will forward.
I have also ask the TBA to post on the TBA and NSW TBA websites.
I ask all eligible bowlers to nominate as all are welcome.
Attached is the President Shield Nomination Form for Northern NSW 2009 Team. Please let as many people know as possible as all are welcome to roll-off.


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