2008-VIC 150-WIN A SPOT

AMF Dandenong

New Member
2008 - VIC 150 - Win A Spot
This is a graded event
Handicap: 90% of 200​
Saturday 8th March
Check in 1.00pm​
Sunday 9th March
Check in 6.30pm​
AMF Dandenong
6 games & Entry Fee =$50.00
1ST: Full Entry Paid for into the
2008 VIC 150 at AMF Keon Park Bowl
*Min. of 10 bowlers required over the two squads to go ahead.
Attention Bowlers,
This 'Win a spot' tournament will NOT be going ahead on the date advertised. We appologise for any inconvenience this may have caused, and will let everyone know the minute we can confirm a new date.


Sharyn Murdoch
thanks sharyn but with only one other weekend between that and the tournament it might be a bit hard finding a day and then getting the numbers required. Good luck
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